It can be tempting to make a hasty decision
when a killer opportunity comes along or the thought of
spending another day on the job seems painful. {{U}} (67) {{/U}} ,
Career coach Piotrowski recommends taking baby {{U}} (68) {{/U}} to
execute a new career strategy. "Plan a timeline of one to two years to {{U}} (69) {{/U}} your career change. Gather information for four to six months, and then get moving on activities that will {{U}} (70) {{/U}} into your new specialty over the next few months. Remember, you can make the {{U}} (71) {{/U}} over time. You don’t need to do it all at {{U}} (72) {{/U}} ." "Spend time looking {{U}} (73) {{/U}} industry categories and a variety of jobs to get ideas about new career areas that may {{U}} (74) {{/U}} to you. This can open your eyes to a multitude of {{U}} (75) {{/U}} you hadn’ A. comment B. supplement C. implement D. document [判断题]调试前派班员接调试计划,确认调试时间、地点后通知参
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]就餐时应遵守就餐规定,不准大声喧哗,不准敲打碗筷、嬉笑打闹,餐具用毕应轻放( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]高低是指钢轨顶面沿钢轨方向的竖向凹凸不平顺。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]警冲标应设在两会合线路线间距为( )的中间。
A.4 m B.4.2 m C.4.5 m D.5 m [多选题] 同业存放业务的交易对手为"一行三会"发放的金融牌照的银行和非银行金融机构。"一行三会"是指()
A. 保监会 B. 中国人民银行 C. 银监会 D. 证监会 [单项选择]New England is in the ______ of the United States.
A. northwest B. southeast C. southwest D. northeast [单选题]160 km/h <υmax正线线路轨道静态几何不平顺容许偏差(混凝土枕线路,mm),水平作业验收管理值为( )。
A.3 B.5 C.8 D.10 [单选题]I级隐患按期整改率不得低于()
A.0.98 B.1 C.0.95 D.0.9 [多选题]常见的健康需求管理的方法( )
A.24小时电话就诊分流服务 B.转诊服务 C.健康课堂 D.基于互联网的卫生信息数据库 E.服务预约 [单选题]货运列车发生危险化学品泄露,但在未确定具体泄漏物质前,应按( )等级防护。
A.一般 B.低级 C.中级 D.最高 [单项选择]施工项目进行公开招标,投标保证金有效期应当超过( )30d。
A. 招标文件发出日 B. 投标文件截止日 C. 中标 D. 投标有效期 [单项选择]关于胫腓骨干骨折治疗下列哪种说法错误?()
A. 恢复小腿的长度和轴线 B. 重点处理胫骨骨折 C. 纠正骨折端的成角和旋转移位 D. 开放性骨折应彻底清创,变为闭合性骨折 E. 婴幼儿胫腓骨骨折,手法整复后,不需固定 [判断题]攀登有覆冰、积雪的杆塔时,应采取防滑措
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]加工较长轴类零件,装夹刚性好的是( )。
A. 两顶尖 B. 一夹一顶 C. 自动定心卡盘 D. 四爪卡盘 [单项选择]The fitness movement that began in the late 1960s and early 1970s centered around aerobic exercise. Millions of individuals became (1) in a variety of aerobic activities, and (2) thousands of health spas (3) around the country to capitalize on this (4) interest in fitness, particularly aerobic dancing for females. A number of fitness spas existed (5) to this aerobic fitness movement, even a national chain with spas in most major cities. However, their (6) was not on aerobics, (7) on weight-training programs de signed to develop muscular mass, (8) , and endurance in their primarily male (9) These fitness spas did not seem to benefit (10) from the aerobic fitness movement to bet ter health, since medical opinion suggested that weight-training programs (11) few, if (12) , health benefits. In recent years, however, weight training has again become in creasingly (13) for males and for females. Man
A. emerging B. hovering C. intriguing D. mingling [单选题]Q/GDW1373-2013《电力用户用电信息采集系统功能规范》要求自动抄表管理中,根据采集任务的要求,自动采集系统内电力用户(____)的数据,获得电费结算所需的用电计量数据和其它信息。
A.采集终端 B.档案信息 C.互感器 D.电能表 [简答题]国际上对离心机的分类有几种方法,分成哪些类型?
[单项选择]One thing that distinguishes the online world from the real one is that it is very easy to find things. To find a copy of The Economist in print, one has to go to a news-stand, which may or may not carry it. Finding it online, though, is a different proposition. Just go to Google, type in "economist" and you will be instantly directed to Though it is difficult to remember now, this was not always the case. Indeed, until Google, now the world’s most popular search engine, came on to the scene in September 1998, it was not the case at all. As in the physical world, searching online was a hit-or-miss affair.
Google was vastly better than anything that had come before: so much better, in fact, that it changed the way many people use the web. Almost overnight, it made the web far more useful, particularly for nonspecialist users, many of whom now regard Google as the internet’s front door. The recent fuss over Google’s stock market flotation obscures its far wider social A. today Google has become a commonplace way to find information online B. Google made a great contribution to searching online C. Google changed a lot D. Google is different from other search engines [单项选择]在大量使用1(化肥)2(农药)3(普通洗衣粉)4(石油)和5(高含硫煤炭)这几种物质中,能促使赤潮发生的是()
A. 3和1 B. 1和2 C. 2和4 D. 3和5 [单项选择]我国社区学前教育的“三优工程”是指()
A. 优产、优生、优育 B. 优生、优育、优教 C. 优产、优生、优教 D. 优生、优护、优教 [单项选择]选民是指根据法律规定享有选举权和被选举权并被列人选民名单和持有选民证件的公民,以下人员中是选民的有( )。
A. 差3天满18周岁的小刘 B. 在押故意杀人犯李某 C. 在街边卖水果的中年人王某 D. 汪某因某原因未进行登记,不持有选民证件 [多选题]业务一致性系统中差错处理流程涉及(),各方应各负其责、积极沟通、协同配合,确保差错处理机制高效运行。
A.运营管理部条线 B.金融科技部条线 C.计划财务部条线 D.差错产生涉及的物理子系统主责部门 我来回答: 提交