Scotland Yard’s top fingerprint expert,
Detective Chief Superintendent Gerald Lambourne had a request from the British
Museum’s Prehistoric Department to focus his magnifying glass on a mystery.
"Somewhat outside my usual beat," he said. This was not a question of Who Did It, but Who Was It. The blunt instruments he pored over were the antlers of red deer, dated by a radio-carbon examination as being up to 5,000 years old. They were used as mining picks by Neolithic man to hack flints and chalk, and the fingerprints he was looking for were of our remote ancestors who had last wielded them. The antlers were unearthed in July during the British Museum’s five-year-long excavation at Grime’s Graves, near Thetford, Norfolk, a 93 -acre site containing more than 600 vertical shafts in the chalk some 40 A. to assist in filling in detailed picture of early miners B. to throw light on an interesting aspect of early man’s methods of work C. to provide information about the organization of work D. to tell the purpose of using these antlers [单选题]国防具有()国家的发展职能。
A. 减弱 B. 进行 C. 保障 D. 危害 [多选题]下列( )工具不是相敏轨道电路季检所需工具。
A.万用表 B.活口扳手 C.光功率计 D.酒精 [判断题]在酸性溶液中H+浓度就等于酸的浓度。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 党支部议讨论决定重要事项,应当采取方式进行表决。()
A.口头 B.举手 C.无记名投票或者记名投票 D.以上均可 [单项选择]新生儿期应进行的预防接种为()
A. 卡介苗 B. 卡介苗、乙肝疫苗 C. 卡介苗、脊髓灰质炎疫苗 D. 乙肝疫苗 E. 乙肝疫苗、乙肝高效价免疫球蛋白 [名词解释]离子载体
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]热影响区的大小,与金属的性能有密切关系,一般热影响区越小,焊接时产生内应力越大,易于出现()。
[单选题]下列哪种方法不宜用于重组体的筛选( )
A.分子杂交 B.Westem印迹杂交 C.抗药性标志选择 D.标志补救 E.免疫学方法 [单选题]太阳中风之“脉缓”是指:
A.怠慢迟缓 B.脉沉弱 C.松驰 D.柔缓而不紧急 E.脉细弱 [单选题]有助于确诊的检查是( )
A. B超 B.腹部CT C.X线检查 D.CEA检查 E.纤维结肠镜检查 [单选题]保密条款有利于保护( )的利益。
A.投资方 B.目标公司 C.投资方及目标公司双方 D.第三方 [判断题]爆炸品火灾可以用沙土盖压扑灭。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]标称电压不是(CD)电压。
A.流入 B.流出 C.输入 D.输出 [单选题]车站发车时,遇有超长、超限列车、( )和咧尾装置灯光熄灭等情况,应通知邻站。
A.超重 B.欠轴 C.单机挂车 D.关门车 [单项选择]中间COCOMO模型主要用于()。
A. 估算整个系统的工作量(包括软件维护)和软件开发所需要的时间 B. 估算各个子系统的工作量和开发时间 C. 估算独立的软部件,如子系统内部的各个模块 D. 以上都不是 [简答题]
One day I was visiting one of my friends in a big town. Suddenly a piece of beautiful music came to my ears. My friend’s father quickly picked up some rubbish and went outside. I asked my friend, “What’s happening” My friend said that there was a truck collecting rubbish outside. [单选题]树立强烈的( )意识,完善人才服务保障体系,加强对优秀人才和先进典型的宣传,营造尊重劳动、尊重知识、尊重人才、尊重创造的良好氛围。
A.大局 B.政治 C.核心 D.人才 [单选题]油井出砂的原因有地质方面的因素和( )方面的因素。
A.设备 B.管理 C.设计 D.开采 [单项选择]按照土石路堤施工技术要求,当土石混合料中石料含量小于()时,可用推土机铺填,最大层厚400mm。
A. 50% B. 60% C. 70% D. 80% [判断题]在带电的电流互感器二次回路上工作时,禁止将电流互感器二次侧短路(电子式电流互感器除外)。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]主变压器有何功用?
A. 煮 B. 炒 C. 炙 D. 煅 E. 煨 我来回答: 提交