Thirty-one million Americans are over
60 years of age, and twenty-nine million of them are healthy, busy, productive
citizens. By the year 2030, one in every five people in the United States will
be over 60. Elderly people are members of the fastest-growing minority in this
country. Many call this the "graying of America". In 1973, a group called the "Gray Panthers" was organized. This group is made up of young and old citizens. They are trying to deal with the special problems of growing old in America. The Gray Panthers know that many elderly people have health problems; some cannot walk well, others cannot see or hear well. Some have financial problems; prices are going up so fast that the elderly can’t afford the food, clothing, and housing they need. Some old people are afraid and have safety problems. Others have emotional problems. Many elderly ar A. are good for elders who need Constant medical care B. help keep elders young C. are set up for training nurses D. are places where small children are taken care of [多项选择]肠杆菌科细菌对β-内酰胺类抗生素常见的耐药机制有()
A. 产碳青霉烯酶 B. 产AmpC酶 C. 产PBP2a D. 产ESBLs E. 通道蛋白改变 [单选题]血清与血浆重要的区别是( )
A.血清中缺乏纤维蛋白原 B.血清中含有大量的清蛋白 C.血清中缺乏球蛋白 D.血浆中缺乏某些凝血因子 E.血浆中含有血小板释放物 [多选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSG 510001—2015)第18.2.4条规定:使用电压互感器进行工作时,工作人员应( )。
A.将低压侧所有接线接好 B.用绝缘工具将电压互感器接到高压侧 C.工作时应戴绝缘手套和护目镜, 站在绝缘垫上 D.有专人监护 [单选题]中重污区的外绝缘配置宜采用硅橡胶类防污闪产品,不包括( )。
A.线路复合绝缘子 B.线路横担 C.复合套管 D.瓷绝缘子 [简答题]怎样正确使用“119”报警电话? 【消防安全】
[单选题]混凝土栅栏下槛底部与地面间空隙不大于( )cm,栏片立杆之间空隙不大于( )cm。
A.5,10 B.8,10 C.5,10.5 D.8,10.5 [判断题]非固定业户销售货物或者应税劳务,应当向销售地或者劳务发生地的主管税务机关申报纳税。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]当事人迟延履行合同义务后发生不可抗力,其违约责任()。
A.可以免除 B.不免除 C.应当免除 D.视情况免除 [单项选择]卡特尔16种人格因素问卷的编制方法()。
A. 推理法 B. 经验法 C. 因素法 D. 综合法 E. 实验法 [单选题]交流正弦波弧焊变压器由变压器、( )和指示装置等组成。
A.调节装置 B.控制装置 C.动力系统 D.输出系统 [判断题]机组成员不得使用或携带大麻,可卡因,鸦片,天使粉或安非他明等禁用药物。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]王爷爷,67岁,照护人员测得血压高达200/100mmHg,伴有严重水肿,应给予( )(1.0)
A. 低蛋白饮食 B. 高蛋白饮食 C. 无盐、低钠饮食 D. 低脂肪饮食 E. 软质饮食 [判断题]办公计算机宜安装防病毒、桌面管理等安全防护软件。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]组织用户以最大限度维护自身利益、实现短期交易作为指导思想,称为( )。
A. 成本导向 B. 利益导向 C. 购买导向 D. 利润导向 [填空题]
Become big. [单项选择]A ground hog is a small animal that digs and lives under the ground. It is also called the woodchuck. Ground hogs live in many parts of America. In the winter they hibernate like bears and some other animals.
There is a legend that says a few hundred years ago Europeans brought Ground Hog Day to America. They said that the ground hog wakes up from his hibernation on February 2. (February 2 is half way between winter and spring.) If he comes up from his hole and it is sunny, he will see his shadow and be frightened. If he sees his shadow, there will be 6 more weeks of winter weather. But if he comes up and the sky is cloudy, he will not see his shadow and will not be frightened. Then spring weather will come very soon. Some people believe this legend and they watch the sky on February 2. Many people are happy if it is cloudy on that day. They think spring will come soon. But most people think it is just a fun legend. What do you think When does the ground hog wake up from h A. At the beginning of spring. B. At the end of winter. C. In the winter. D. February 2. [判断题]《安徽省农村商业银行系统固定资产贷款管理办法》规定,贷款人应与借款人约定明确、合法的贷款用途,专款专用,并且按照约定检查监督贷款资金的使用情况。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在Java语言的类库中提供哪个类,所有自己创建的异常对象都必须是它的实例或它的子类的实例
A. throws B. Exception C. Throwable D. Error [多选题]《铁路交通事故调查处理规则》第十四条规定,有( )情形,未构成一般B类以上事故的,为一般C类事故。
A.接触网接触线断线 B.接触网接触线倒杆 C.接触网接触线塌网 D.货运列车分离 [单项选择]在下列各句横线处,依次填入最恰当的关联词。
①上千吨的轮船碰上这么大的风浪也得上下颠簸,______这么一只小船。 ②他的动作完成得简直无可挑剔,______全体裁判员无一例外地亮出了满分。 ③我们在对某些教育现象进行分析后,______应该思考教育的更深层次问题。 A. 况且 以至 进而 B. 何况 以至 进而 C. 况且 以致 从而 D. 何况 以致 从而 [多选题] 政治社团作为一种特定的社会政治组织,政治社团具有以下特征( )
A.政治社团的利益和目标较为单一.具体。 B.政治社团是社会成员按照特定的规则形成的政治组织。 C.政治社团是群众性政治组织。 D.政治社团的成员构成一般遵循自觉自愿的原则。 E.政治社团参与政府的政策过程,影响政府政策的制定.修订和实施。 我来回答: 提交