Everyone of us lives and works on a small part of the earth’s surface, moves in a small circle, and of these acquaintances knows only a few intimately. Of any public event that has wide effects we see at best only a phase and an aspect. This is true that the eminent insiders, who draft treaties, make laws, and issue orders, are like those who have treaties framed on them, laws promulgated to them, orders given at them. Inevitably our opinions cover a bigger space, a longer reach of time, many things, that we can directly observe. So they have to be pieced together out of what others have reported and what we can imagine. Yet even the eyewitness does not bring back a naive picture of the scene. For experience seems to show that he himself brings something to the scene which later he takes away from it, that oftener than not what he imagines to be the account of an event is really a transfiguration of it. Few facts in consciousness seem to be merely given. Most facts in consc
A. uneducated.
B. immature.
C. pure and reliable.
D. informal.
My dictionary defines subtle as "not
immediately obvious; characterized by skill or ingenuity; clever; elusive;
[even] insidious." Let us look at some concrete instances of this. (The very
word itself is an example, as the letter" b" is silent in
pronunciation.)" Language can be straight-forward and directly to the point, but sometimes that takes the fun out of it. On occasion, at least, one appreciates subtleties—often as the mark of a quick wit. This particularly is true of jokes that generally have a double meaning. For example: Awaitress received only three pennies for a tip. Nonplussed, she told the customer that those three pennies told a lot about him. He took the bait and asked what they revealed. "The first penny," she said, "tells me you are thrifty." The patron agreed. "what does the second penny say" asked the customer. " A. ambiguity. B. apprehension. C. antipathy. D. approval. [判断题]票务收入采取日清月结方式,由票务中心负责结算。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]目前II类账户银行级限额设定为:非绑定账户转入、存入资金单笔、日累计限额不超过()元,年累计不超过()元。
A.1000元 B.10000元 C.10万元 D.20万元 [单项选择]下列关于糖异生的叙述错误的是()
A. 是由非糖物质乳酸、丙酮酸等转变成糖原或葡萄糖的过程 B. 糖异生的四个关键酶分别为丙酮酸羧化酶,PEP羧激酶,果糖双羧酶-1和葡萄糖-6.磷酸酶 C. 糖异生能使人体在空腹或饥饿时,维持血糖浓度稳定 D. 糖异生能参与补充或恢复肝脏糖原储备 E. 长期禁食后,肾糖异生作用减弱 [单选题]开挖沟、坑时,挖出的土石应投放在距沟边()mm以外的地方。
A.200 B.300 C.400 D.500 [单选题]二级化学防护服具有较强的抗水渗漏性能,经( )min水喷淋后,无渗漏现象。
A.10 B.20 C.30 D.60 [单项选择]在Weblogic服务器的运行过程中,以下哪个选项是出现数据库连接池满的可能原因()。
A. Weblogic日志满 B. 数据库连接不释放 C. Weblogic server挂起 D. 数据库故障 [多项选择]确定用户电力负荷的大小,是正确选择()的依据。
A. 变压器容量 B. 开关设备 C. 导线截面 D. 仪表量程 E. 电动机 [单项选择]肺经的井穴是()。
A. 尺泽 B. 曲池 C. 商阳 D. 少商 E. 合谷 [多选题]网络适配器的主要功能包括( )。
A.将计算机连接到通信介质上 B.网络互连 C.实现数据传输 D.进行电信号匹配 [单项选择]下列叙述中正确的是( )。
A. 顺序存储结构的存储一定是连续的,链式存储结构的存储空间不一定是连续的 B. 顺序存储结构只针对线性结构,链式存储结构只针对非线性结构 C. 顺序存储结构能存储有序表,链式存储结构不能存储有序表 D. 链式存储结构比顺序存储结构节省存储空间 [单选题]( )也叫狭凿。
A.尖凿 B.扁凿 C.油槽凿 D.圆凿 [判断题]现在我国已公布的常见危险化学品有4000多种。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]新生隐球菌引起的主要疾病是
A. 慢性脑膜炎 B. 流行性脑脊髓膜炎 C. 流行性乙型脑炎 D. 鹅口疮 E. 原发性非典型肺炎 [单选题]公牛无线403S 单位 个 批发价( )
A.22.00 B.32.0 [单项选择]被誉为行政法母国的是( )。
A. 英国 B. 法国 C. 美国 D. 中国 [多选题]作业过程中吊运物品坚持“三不越过”是( )、( )、( )。
A.不从人头上越过 B.不从汽车、火车头上越过 C.不从设备上越过 D.不从货物上 [单选题]不属于选择健康传播途径应遵循的原则的是
A.科学性 B.准确性 C.针对性 D.经济性 E.速度快 我来回答: 提交