Welcome to the Grand Center--the place for all the family
If you like sports, go to the sports center on the twenty-eighth floor. On the twenty-eighth floor, we have a ping-pong room. If you like films, go to the twenty--seventh floor and watch a film in the ABC Cinema.
If you like to eat, there are a lot of places in the Grand Center for you to go to. You can try Wonderful Restaurant. That’s a new restaurant on the twenty-first floor. Crazy Town ( a Sichuan restaurant)is on the twenty-third floor and there’s an American restaurant on the twenty-sixth. But don’t worry, children ! If you like other kinds of foreign food, you can go to the coffee shop on the first floor. It’s really great.
If you like to shop, there are the twelfth to the nineteenth floors. On the twelfth floor, for example, there’s AST World for computers and computer games. There’s a big store on the fifteenth floor for radios, TVs and C
A. buy spots things
B. play ping-pong
C. play computer games
利润表 编制单位:甲公司 2011年11月 单位:万元 | |
项 目 | 本年累计金额 |
一、营业收入 | 120000 |
减:营业成本 | 105760 |
营业税金及附加 | 1120 |
销售费用 | 880 |
管理费用 | 1840 |
财务费用 | 4400 |
资产减值损失 | 0 |
加:公允价值变动收益 | 0 |
投资收益 | 240 |
二、、营业利润 | 6240 |
加:营业外收入 | 1800 |
减:营业外支出 | 40 |
三、利润总额 |
A.借款人信用状况良好,无重大不良记录。 B.借款人为新设项目法人的,其控股股东有不良记录。 C.借款人依法经工商行政管理机关或主管机关核准登记。 D.借款用途及还款来源明确、合法。 [单项选择]重载函数是()
A. 以函数参数来区分,而不用函数的返回值来区分不同的函数 B. 以函数的返回值来区分,而不用函数参数来区分不同的函数 C. 参数表完全相同而返回值类型不同的两个或多个同名函数 D. 参数表和返回值类型都必须是不同的两个或多个同名函数 [判断题]当客户在营业厅突然晕倒或摔倒,所有营业窗口服务人员应抓紧帮忙进行处理。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]表示原材料利用指标的叫( )。
A.毛利率 B.成本率 C.出材率 D.损耗率 [判断题]使用有毒物品的作业场所,其作业场所应当与生活场所分开,作业场所可以住人
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]包缠绝缘时绝缘带与导线应保持约55°的倾斜角每圈包? 压? 带宽的( )。
A.I/2 B.1/3 C.I/4 D.I/5 [单选题]
下面是三个小组丈量距离的结果、只有( )组测量的精度高于1/5000。 A.100m±0.025m B.250m±0.060m C.150m±0.035m D.200m±0.036m [简答题]试述苏州的历史沿革。
[单项选择]会计报表的附注不包括( )。
A. 会计估计、或者事项说明 B. 企业合并的说明 C. 会计差错更正的说明 D. 资产负债表日后事项的说明 [简答题]简答宴会的分类方法。
[单选题]血管腔内超声(IVUS)最突出的临床意义是( )
A.追踪患者术后情况 B.对斑块结构进行显示和评估 C.支架内再狭窄中的应用 D.指导支架放置 [单选题]施工企业应设立独立的安全生产管理机构,并应按规定配备()安全生产管理人员。
A.专职 B.兼职 C.专门 D.专业 [多项选择]结构平面图表达建筑结构构件的平面布置,包括()
A. 基础平面图 B. 楼层结构平面图 C. 屋顶结构平面布置图 D. 楼梯结构详图 [多项选择]体虚感冒的主要证型有()
A. 阴虚感冒 B. 血虚感冒 C. 气虚感冒 D. 阳虚感冒 E. 秋燥感冒 [单选题]关于心肺复苏,下列叙述哪项不正确( )
A. 目击病人发生心脏停搏即可先行胸外心脏按压 B. 基础生命支持的常规操作程序是先行开放呼吸道,然后行人工呼吸 C. 心搏骤停者均应予胸外心脏按压 D. 心肺复苏术30分钟后无心肌活动者可终止抢救 E. 有条件时对心脏停搏者应首先实施心脏电击除颤 [单选题]当配电网故障时,分布式发电的切除必须早于重合时间,否则会引起电弧的( ),使重合闸不成功(快速重合闸时间为0.2~0.5s)。
A.阻燃 B.击穿 C.重燃 D.闪络 [判断题]钢丝绳的绳芯主要起到润滑作用。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]检查 Babinski征方法,正确的是
A. 沿足底外侧向前 B.沿足底内侧向前 C. 沿足底中央向前再向内侧 D. 划足底前三分之 E.沿足底外侧缘向前至小趾根部再转向内侧 [单选题] 燃烧产物对灭火有利方面()。(易)
A. 引起人员中毒、窒息 B. 在一定条件下有阻燃作用 C. 影响视线 D. 成为火势发展、蔓延的因素 [单项选择]Passage Two
Questions 29 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard. A. French refugees arrived. B. The harbor was destroyed. C. Ship-building began to flourish. D. The city was taken by the English. [单项选择]新生儿甲状腺功能筛查时,正确的采血时间是
A. 新生儿出生后的前3d B. 新生儿出生后的4~6d C. 分娩时取脐血或者出生7d后 D. 出生后立即采血 E. 新生儿出生后17d [判断题]企业客户申办网上代付业务时,工资奖金类资金必须从该企业的基本结算账户支付,并根据需要设定工资总额。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]提高功率因数最方便的方法是并联电容器,产生电容电流抵消电阻电流,将不作功的所谓
无功电流减小到一定的范围内。( ) A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]在检验轴类大锻件时,通常使用( )。
A.轴向检验 B.径向检验 C.AB都用 [多选题]头骨振动式通信装置的适用范围( )(容易)
A.高噪声的消防灭火现场 B.高噪声的抢险救援现场 C.需要佩戴头盔,空呼面罩或重型防化服的情况 D.火场烟气较大的情况 [单项选择]According to this passage, ______ is mastered by birth.
A. the ability to survive in a desert island B. the way of setting tables C. the basic principles of mathematics D. the concept of oneness [单选题]根据TB/T2340-2012文件规定,0°探头在WGT-3试块上,探测110mm底面,当波高达到80%时的灵敏度余量不小于()。
A.26dB B.36dB C.16dB D.40dB [填空题]He was a funny-looking man with a cheerful face, good-natured and a great talker. He was (36) by his student, the great philosopher Plato, as "the best and most just and wisest man". Yet this same man was (37) to death for his beliefs by a jury composed of the leading figures of the time in Athens.
The man was the Greek philosopher Socrates, and he was put to death for not believing in the recognized gods and for (38) young people. The second charge stemmed from his (39) with numerous young men who came to Athens from all over the (40) world to study under him. Socrates’ method of teaching was to ask questions and, by (41) not to know the answers, to (42) his students into thinking for themselves. His teachings had (43) influence on all the great Greek and Roman schools of philosophy. Yet for all his fame and influence, Socrates himself never wrote a word. Socrates (44) in Athens. They [多项选择]五局内部宣传媒体有()
A. 中建五局通讯》 B. 管理之窗》 C. 中建五局网站》 D. 中建五局报》 [单选题] 田间管理机具可分为( )、灌溉排水机具、病虫害防治机具3大类。
A.整地机具 B.收获机具 C.中耕除草机具 D.播种机 我来回答: 提交