While mother was in New Orleans, I was
in the care of my grandparents. They were incredibly conscientious about me.
They loved me very much; sadly, much better than they were able to love each
other or, in my grandmother’s case, to love my mother. Of course, I was
blissfully unaware of all this at the time. I just knew that I was loved. Later,
when I became interested in children growing up in hard circumstances and
learned something of child development from Hillary’s work at the Yale Child
Study Center, I came to realize how fortunate I had been. For all their own
demons, my grandparents and my mother always made me feel I was the most
important person in the world to them. Most children will make it if they have
just one person who makes them feel that way. I had three. My grandmother, Edith Grisham A. She was intelligent, ambitious, but very bad-tempered. B. She became quite mild and polite after the birth of her grandson. C. She always tried to conceal her aggressiveness from her grandson. D. She used to study the course in nursing and practiced the profession afterwards. [单项选择]奥氏体不锈钢与珠光体钢焊接,为克服珠光体钢对焊缝的稀释作用,使焊缝金属得到的组织基本上是奥氏体,应优先选用含()量高的焊接材料。
A. 铬 B. 镍 C. 碳 D. 钼 [单选题]配合焊接施工进行的跟踪焊缝探伤必须在轨温低于()下进行。
A.30℃ B.40℃ C.45℃ D.50℃ [单选题]烟草制品商标标识必须由( )指定的企业印制。
A.省级烟草专卖行政主管部门 B.县级以上烟草专卖行政主管部门 C.县级以上工商行政管理部门 D.省级工商行政管理部门 [判断题]AD216/226机器未加装双面器,其出纸口电机是否工作。
A. 膈神经麻痹 B. 椎动脉内注射 C. 脊髓阻滞 D. 喉返神经阻滞 E. 气胸 [判断题]静压液位计取源部件的安装位置应靠近液体进、出口。
[单选题]环境温度低于( )时,须对空调发电机组采取预热措施进行预热.
A.o℃ B.5℃ C.10℃ D.15℃ [单选题]电网生产运营的系统性、网络性和安全性,要求公司员工必须有强烈的()观念,严格执行各项规章制度,做到生产经营有章可循、有章必循。
A.集体主义 B.遵章守纪 C.组织纪律 D.廉洁从业 [判断题]不脱氧或弱脱氧出钢,控制出钢口形状不散流以及在钢包内添加含CaO的顶渣,可有效防止钢水吸氮。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]信托财产投资的产品风险必须做到____。
A. 高于客户风险偏好 B. 低于或等于客户风险偏好 C. 可部分高于客户风险偏好 D. 必须是无风险 [单选题]根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》,分包单位应当服从总承包单位的安全生产管理,分包单位不服从管理导致生产安全事故的,由分包单位承担( )。
A.全部责任 B.合同中约定的责任 C.一般责任 D.主要责任 [多选题]刑法是规定( )的法律规范
A.犯罪 B.刑罚 C.违法 D.程序 [单选题] 用ppm这种方法表示的浓度数据()的影响。
A.不受温度 B.不受压力变化 C.受温度 D.不受温度、压力变化 [多选题]控制和保护高压电动机和电力变压器的高压配电箱,应具有( )保护。
A.短路 B.过负荷 C.欠电压释放 D.选择性漏电 [单选题]中危险级的A类火灾场所,单具灭火器最小配置灭火级别为()。
A. 1A B. 2A C. 3A D. 4A [简答题]什么是严重漏油设备?
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