People are unselfish because they are militaristic, and cultured because they are common. At least that is the message of a couple of new studies. Two of the oddest things about people are morality and culture. Neither is unique to humans,-but Homo sapiens (humans) have both in an abundance missing from other species. (41) ______
How these human traits evolved is controversial. But two papers may throw light on the process. In one, Samuel Bowles of the Santa Fe Institute in New Mexico fieshes out his paradoxical theory that much of human virtue was forged in the war. Comrades in arms, he believes, become comrades in other things, too. (42) ______. It also requires a dense population.
Dr Bowles’s argument starts in an obscure crack of evolutionary theory called group selection. This suggests that groups of collaborative individuals will often do better than groups of selfish ones, and thus prosper at their expense. (43)______
This good-of-the-group ar
The secrets of sleep were a mystery for
centuries simply because there was neither the means{{U}} (51)
{{/U}}them, nor the need. Only when candles gave way{{U}} (52)
{{/U}}gaslight, and gas to electricity, when man became able to{{U}}
(53) {{/U}}night into day, and double his output by working shifts
round the clock, did people seriously start wondering{{U}} (54)
{{/U}}sleep could possibly be a waste of time. Our ability to switch night
into day is very recent, and it is {{U}}(55) {{/U}}if we will ever{{U}}
(56) {{/U}}want, or be able to give up our habit of{{U}} (57)
{{/U}}a good night’s sleep.{{U}} (58) {{/U}}, a remarkable research
project in London has already discovered a few people who actually enjoy
insomnia. Even chronic insomniacs often get hours more sleep.{{U}} (59 A. number B. amount C. bundle D. sum [判断题]冒用他人居民身份证或者使用骗领的居民身份证的,由公安机关处二百元以上一千元以下罚款,或者处十日以下拘留,有违法所得的,没收违法所得。
A. 自然科学知识 [单选题]三相半波可控整流电路电阻性负载的输出电流波形在控制角α>( )时出现断续。
A.90° B.45° C.30° D.15° [单选题]列车在出发前按规定对列车自动制动机进行试验,在制动保压状态下列车制动主管的压力( )内漏泄不得超过20kPa,确认列尾装置作用良好。
A.每分钟 B.1分钟 C.2分钟 [单项选择]为增强药物润肺止咳的作用,宜采用的炮制方法是()
A. 蜜炙 B. 酒炙 C. 醋炙 D. 姜汁炙 E. 盐水炙 [多选题]下面关于OSPF协议,哪些描述是正确的(多选)
A.AS-Extemal-LSA描述到AS外部路由的路径,泛洪的范围是AS外部 B.AS-Extemal-LSA不属于任何区域 C.AS-ExtermaL-LSA描述的是路由器到ASBR的路径 D.第二类外部路由的开销值只是AS外部开销值,忽略AS内部开销值 [单选题]CRH2A型动车组三级修牵引拉杆防松铁丝规格为直径( )。
A.1.8mm B.2.0mm. C.1.6mm D.2.5mm [多选题] 根据增值税规定,销售无形资产缴纳增值税。无形资产主要包括( )
A. 技术 B. 商标 C. 著作权 D. 商誉 [多选题]当验明设备确已无电压后,应立即将检修设备( )。
A.挂标示牌 B.装设围栏 C.接地 D.三相短路 [单选题]支设高度在( )以上的柱模板,四周应设斜撑,并应设立操作平台。
A.2m B.2.5m C.3m D.2.8m [单项选择]在S3526中,直接用于三层报文转发的表是()。
A. MAC地址转发表 B. 路由表 C. FIB表 D. FDB表 [单选题] 加油站便利店在销售红牛的过程中,需要单独增加的经营证照是( )。
A.营业执照 B.食品流通许可证 C.烟草零售专卖许可证 D.保健品经营许可证 [单选题]放射性固体废物在暂存库内暂存期限一般不应超过( )年。
A.3 B.5 C.8 D.10 [单选题]大货车司机小赵因发生重大交通事故,右腿受伤严重需要截肢,如果不截肢会有生命危险。当时小赵处于昏迷状态,且联系不上其亲属。经医院院长批准,医生为抢救病人立即实施了截肢手术,挽救了小赵的生命。该医院的做法体现了法的价值冲突的哪一解决原则?
A.比例原则 B.价值位阶原则 C.自由裁量原则 D.个案平衡原则 [判断题]学生票和儿童票的主要区别在于:学生票只准许买半价硬座客票,加快票和空调票,而儿童票可随同大人购买半价软座或者硬座客票,加快票,空调票。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]从性质上讲,行政机关、企事业单位的人员培训属于( )。
A. 常规教育 B. 学校教育 C. 继续教育 D. 基础教育 我来回答: 提交