In the early 1950’s historians who studied pre-industrial Europe (which we may define here as Europe in the period from roughly 1300 to 1800) began, for the first time in large numbers, to investigate more of the pre-industrial European population than the 2 or 3 percent who comprised the political and social elite; the kings, generals, judges, nobles, bishops and local magnates who had hitherto usually filled history books. One difficulty, however, was that few of the remaining 97 percent recorded their thoughts or had them chronicled by contemporaries. Faced with this situation, many historians based their investigations on the only records that seemed to exist: birth, marriage, and death records. As a result, much of the early work on the non-elite was aridly statistical in nature; reducing the vast majority of the population to a set of numbers was hardly more enlightening than ignoring them altogether. Hi
A. They have, in terms of their numbers, remained relatively constant over time.
B. Their problematic relationship to actual crime has not been acknowledged by most historians.
C. They are not a particularly accurate indication of the extent of actual criminal activity.
D. Their importance to historians of the non-elite has been generally overestimated.
Reading involves looking at graphic
symbols and formulating mentally the sounds and ideas they represent. Concepts
of reading have changed {{U}} (67) {{/U}} over the centuries. During the
1950’s and 1960’s especially, increased attention has been {{U}} (68)
{{/U}} to defining and describing the reading process.
Although specialists agree that reading {{U}} (69) {{/U}} a complex
organization of higher mental {{U}} (70) {{/U}}, they disagree on the
exact nature of the {{U}} ( A. content B. contend C. contest D. contact [多选题]车辆按用途分为客车、货车及特种用途车(如()等)。
A.试验车 B.发电车 C.轨道检查车 D.检衡车 [单选题] 有一混合蛋白质溶液,各蛋白质的pI分别为4.7、5.0、5.8、6.4、7.6。电泳时。欲使其中4种泳向正极,缓冲液的pH应该是( )
A.4.0 B.5.0 C.6.0 D.7.0 E.8.0 [多选题]电压型逆变器的特点是( )。
A.采用电容器滤波 B.输出阻抗低 C.输出电压为正弦波 D.输出电压为矩形波 E.输出阻抗高 [单选题]在昼间遇降雾、暴风雨雪及其他情况,致使停车信号显示距离不足( )应使用夜间信号。
A.500m B.800m C.1000m D.1500m [单项选择]关于信噪比的叙述,错误的是
A. 英文简写为SNR B. 是信号与噪声之比 C. 在实际的信号中一般都包含有两种成分,即有用信号和噪声 D. 信噪比越大,信息传递质量越差 E. 是评价电子设备的一项重要的技术指标 [判断题]目前,我国常用的熄焦方法是压力熄焦。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]未加装切换阀的机车:制动缸压力=( )×制动管减压量。
A.1 B.1.5 C.2.5 [单选题]基建工程竣工验收前,施工单位应完成三级自检并出具( )报告。
A.自检 B.验收 C.施工 D.交接 [单选题]发生压力性损伤的高危人群以下哪项是正确的( )
A. 肥胖者 B. 身体衰弱、营养不佳者 C. 石膏固定病人 D. 以上都是 [单项选择]青少年时期死亡的最主要原因是()。
A. 传染性疾病 B. 意外损伤 C. 先天性疾病 D. 肿瘤 E. 自杀 [多选题]在沟通交流中,为了减少误会,确认正确理解对方表达的意思,可以使用下列话语( )。
A.我想确认一下,您的意思是…… B.您觉得…… C.您认为…… D.您说得是…… [单选题]煮沸消毒时,海拔每增加300m,需要延长消毒时间
A.2min B.3min C.4min D.5min E.6min [单项选择]其草酸盐不溶于水的是
A. 小檗碱 B. 麻黄碱 C. 伪麻黄碱 D. 东莨菪碱 E. 山莨菪碱 [单选题]风险评估的目的是( )。
A.将危险降到最低 B.将危险源降至最低 C.将风险降到最低 D.控制风险 [单项选择]某大学化学系学生王某欲用该大学化学实验室的有毒化学试剂硫酸亚铊蓄意报复他人,为验证硫酸亚铊的毒性,他把与其有过节的同学陆某作为试验对象,“看他死得了死不了,死不了症状又如何”,一次性在陆的奶粉里投入了500mg的硫酸亚铊(其明知硫酸亚铊的致死量为8—14mg/kg),致江某轻伤。王某对陆某下毒时的主观态度可以
认定为( )。 A. 直接故意 B. 间接故意 C. 疏忽大意的过失 D. 过于自信的过失 [简答题]为贯彻《关于进一步深化电力体制改革的若干意见》(中发〔2015〕9号)的要求,电力市场建设的主要任务是什么?
A. CT平扫 B. X线平片 C. MR平扫 D. CT动态增强扫描 E. MRT2WI脂肪抑制序列 [单项选择]What is the man going to do with his house
A. $1000 B. $600 C. $200 D. $100 [单选题](146508)产品加氢的优点是( )。(1.0分)
A.绿油生成量小 B.床层温升高 C.设备投资减小 D.操作容易 我来回答: 提交