American cities are {{U}} (62)
{{/U}} other cities around the world. In every country, dries reflect the
{{U}} (63) {{/U}} of the culture. Cites contain the very {{U}} (64)
{{/U}} aspect of a society: opportunities for education, employment, and
entertainment. They also {{U}} (65) {{/U}} the very worst parts of a
society: violent crime, racial conflicts, and poverty.
American dries are changing, just {{U}} (66) {{/U}} American
society. After World War II, the population of {{U}} (67) {{/U}} large
American dries decreased; {{U}} (68) {{/U}}, the population in many Sun
Belt cities increased. Los Angles and Houston are dries {{U}} (69) {{/U}}
population increased. These population shifts to and from the city reflect the
changing values of American society. During this time, in the {{U}} (70)
{{/U}} 1940s and early 1950s, city residents A. left B. departed C. entered D. reached [判断题]随车机械师及作业人员一旦发现地质灾害险情,必须果断采取“拦、停”等有效措施,确保行车安全,并立即向应急指挥中心汇报。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在洗车模式下有牵引指令,且整车实际牵引力大于防后溜最小牵引力,以下指令将被触发的是()。
A.保持制动缓解 B.保持制动施加 C.紧急制动缓解 D.紧急制动施加 E.略 F.略 [单项选择]
Until the late 1940s, when television began finding its way into American homes, companies relied mainly on print and radio to promote their products and services. The advent of television (1) a revolution in product and service. Between 1949 and 1951, advertising on television grew 960 percent. Today the Internet is once again (2) promotion. By going online, companies can communicate instantly and directly with prospective customers. (3) on the World Wide Web includes advertising, sponsorships, and sales promotions (4) sweepstakes, contests, coupons, and rebates. In 1996 World Wide Web advertising revenues (5) $ 300 million. [单项选择]鼓包总是发生在承受()的部件上。
A. 外压 B. 内压 C. 应力 D. 氧化 [填空题]把用适当模式表示的知识经编辑、编译送入知识库的过程称为知识的()。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]支行权限内农户短期联保贷款,五级分类为正常类的贷款,贷后检查工作频率为( )。(1分)
A.1个月 B.3个月 C.6个月 D.一年 [单项选择]W18Cr4V高速钢淬火,又经560℃回火,硬度会()。
A. 降低 B. 不变 C. 提高 D. 略有上升 [单选题]内部控制是指企业董事会、监事会、经理层和( )实施的,旨在实现控制目标的过程。
A.财务部门 B.管理层 C.全体员工 D.关键流程员工 [单选题]普速铁路维修天窗单线不应少于()分钟。
A.90 B.120 C.150 D.180 [单项选择]最近,本市一所高校和一个区的老龄问题委员会就维护老年人合法权益问题,对 1600多名老人进行社会调查。调查中,老人认为家庭中小辈尊重他们的占52.3%,有一部分人认为一般,认为不尊重老人者也为数不少。这一点值得社会重视。老年人的问题,是全社会的问题,需要得到社会的关心。最近,静安区老龄问题委员会向中青年朋友散发了—封敬老公开信,公开信中呼吁:“今天,你们是中青年,明天,你们也将成为老年人,关心老年人的今天,也就是关心你们自己的明天。”起到了很好的宣传效果,我们希望社会各界更热忱地关心、爱护老年人。关于以上两段话,下列说法不正确的是( )
A. 敬老公开信之所以能达到很好的宣传效果是因为巧妙的措辞 B. 有52.2%的小辈尊重老年人说明不尊重老年人的人数只是极少数 C. 作者赞同全社会都应该关心和爱护老年人 D. 文中“一部分人”是指代部分被调查的老年人 我来回答: 提交