The celebration of Veterans Day is held on November 11th every year in the United States. This day is set (36) to honor and remember the (37) men and women who have (38) their country, in any war and (39) peacetime. Veterans Day was first (40) Armistice Day. That day (41) the end of World War I. Thirty-five countries (42) in that war. An armistice was (43) on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, and this (44) the war was over. Many countries were (45) to hear that the war was over and that their soldiers would be coming home.
An (46) American soldier was buried in Arlington National Cemetery (47) a hillside overlooking the Potomac River at 11:00 a.m. on November 11, 1921. His (48) is called the "Tomb of the Unknown Soldier". The (49) of the tomb is where the U.S. government (50) its annual Veter
A. each
B. all
C. together
D. both
Creative teams and
management{{/B}} When Colgate launched its then revolutionary Colgate Gum Protection toothpaste in 1990, company executives were confident they had a hit on their hands. The toothpaste incorporated a groundbreaking antibacterial technology they thought was the biggest innovation since fluoride. But in the mouths after the toothpaste’s six-country rollout, the product’s market share reached a meager 1% -- one fifth of the company’s projections. What went wrong A new round of market research found that the original launch strategy mural the "breakthrough" message, the ads positioned the A. The results ran contrary to the company’s expectation. B. It achieved a great success. C. It took a great portion of market share. D. The new technology was not popular among customers. [简答题]本题中,鼠标在窗口中单击一下,就在单击的位置生成一个小矩形,如果在小矩形上双击鼠标左键,则删除小矩形。
import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; class MousePanel extends JPanel extends MouseMotionListener public MousePanel( ) addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter( ) public void mousePressed(MouseEvent evt) int x=evt.getX( ); int y=evt.getY( ); current=find(x,y); if(current<0) add(x,y); public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) int x=evt.getX( ); int y=evt.getY( ); if(evt.getClickCount( )>=2) remove(current); ); addMouseMorionListener(this); public void paintComponent(Graphics g) (super.paintComponent( ); for(int i=0;i<nsquares;i++) draw(g,i); public int find(int x,int y) for(int i=0;i<nsquares;i++) if(squares[i].x-SQUARELENGTH/2<=x&& x<=squares[i].x+SQUARELENGTH/2 &&squares[i].y-SQUARELENGTH/2<=y &&y<=squares[i].y+SQUARELENGTH/2) [单项选择]理想气体向真空作绝热膨胀,则()。
A. 膨胀后,温度不变,压强减小 B. 膨胀后,温度降低,压强减小 C. 膨胀后,温度升高,压强减小 D. 膨胀后,温度不变,压强增加 [单项选择]发达资本主义国家之所以对外输出资本,其动机是
A. 资本在国内已经绝对过剩,找不到投资场所 B. 为了援助发展中国家解决资本短缺的困难,实现发达国家与发展中国家的“双赢” C. 国外投资能够获得比国内投资更高的利润 D. 国外发展中国家的资本主义因素已经有了一定的发展,交通、通讯等设施已经具备 [填空题]CR400AF动车组联轴节安装时,将两个半联轴节的套筒组成()相互对齐,螺栓孔一一对应。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]协调性子宫收缩乏力。宫口开大5cm,无头盆不称,正确的处理应是
A. 人工破膜后催产素静脉滴注 B. 催产素静脉滴注 C. 等待产程自然进展 D. 剖宫产 E. 催产素静脉推注 [单选题] 第235题( )符号是用以表示电气设备、装置和元器件以及线路的功能、状态和特征的。
A.辅助数字 B.辅助文字 C.基本数字 D.基本文字 [判断题]行政机关受理或不受理行政许可申请,应当出具加盖本行政机关专用印章和注明日期的书面凭证。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]请问,当事人提出鉴定结论有异议的申请,下列哪些情形下法院可以允许重新鉴定()
A. 鉴定程序严重违法的 B. 鉴定结论明显依据不足的 C. 鉴定机构或鉴定人员不具备鉴定资格的 D. 鉴定结果与当事人一般预期不相符合的 [多选题]根据总队《灭火救援战斗编成规定》,下列哪些警情应按照三级应急救援调度?( )
A.某路上两车相撞,4人被困 B.某在建建筑倒塌,6人被困 C.某路上多车相撞,7人被困 D.某住宅煤气泄漏,2人中毒 我来回答: 提交