Imagine fishermen walking down to the
seashore, ready to carry out their early morning routine of preparing their
boats and net. (1) they hope for a good catch of fish. But
to their (2) , a horrible sight meets their still sleepy
eyes. Thousands of fish have washed (3) dead. The cause of
this mass destruction A red tide! Red tides are a global (4) . They have been observed on both the Atlantic and the Pacific coasts of the United States and Canada. They have also (5) in many other places. Though relatively few people are (6) them, red tides are not new. In the Philippines, a red tide was first seen in the province of Bataan in 1908. Since then, red tides have been seen in many other (7) . A Philippines red tide expert told us that " (8) the fish kills, the Philippi A. satisfaction B. disappointment C. astonishment D. regret [多选题]对单位有下列( )行为进行处罚前,应当责令其限期改正,逾期不改正的,才能实施处罚。
A.宾馆使用不合格消防产品 B.依法实行消防设计备案的建设工程未经备案,擅自施工 C.违反消防安全规定进入生产、储存易燃易爆危险物品场所 D.营业性场所未制定灭火和应急疏散预案 [多项选择]按渗碳体的形态,珠光体分为()。
A. 片状珠光体 B. 球状珠光体 C. 索氏体 D. 托氏体 [单项选择]卵子排出后的寿命一般为()
A. 8小时 B. 24小时 C. 36小时 D. 48小时 E. 72小时 [多选题] 小车是指( )等。 (1分)
A.轨道检查仪 B.钢轨探伤仪 C.单轨小车 D.吊轨小车 [单选题]1. 因作业必需临时拆除或变动安全防护设施时,必须经( )同意,采取相应的可靠措施,作业后应立即恢复:
A.安全员 B.技术员 C.班长 D.施工负责人 [单项选择]淬火的水温一般不超过()度。
A. 0°C; B. 30°C; C. 40°C。 [名词解释]抄本
[单项选择]工程竣工验收报告经发包人认可后( )内,承包人向发包人递交竣工结算报告及完整的结算资料。
A. 8天 B. 18天 C. 28天 D. 38天 我来回答: 提交