Placing a human being behind the wheel
of an automobile often has the same curious effect as cutting certain fibres in
the brain. The result in either case is more primitive behaviour. Hostile feelings are apt to be expressed in an aggressive way. The same man who will step aside for a stranger at a doorway will, when behind the wheel, risks an accident trying to beat another motorist through an intersection. The importance of emotional factors in automobile accidents is gaining recognition. Doctors and other scientists have concluded that the highway death toll resembles an epidemic and should be investigated as such. Dr Ross A. McFarland, Associate Professor of Industrial Hygiene at the Harvard University School of Public Health, said that accidents "now constitute a greater threat to the safety of large segments of the p A. psychopathic behaviour B. an epidemic C. hostile attitudes D. antisocial behaviour [多选题]准同期并列时,合闸时的相位角 可以是( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]对未按规定缴纳话费的客户,应按相关规定每日收取欠费金额多少比例的滞纳金?()
A. 千分之一 B. 千分之二 C. 千分之三 D. 千分之五 [单项选择]砼的抗渗标号是按()表示的。
A. 渗水多少 B. 水头压力 C. 渗水时间 [单选题]有一个直流电路,电源电动势为10V,电源内阻为1Ω,向负载R供电。此时,负载要从电源获得最大功率,则负载电阻R为(____)Ω。
A.∞ B.9 C.1 D.1.5 [单项选择]X线透视下肋膈角变钝的液体量是()
A. 500ml以上 B. 300ml以下 C. 300~500ml D. 1000ml E. 500~1000ml [判断题]工务驻调度所联络员是指工务各单位派驻至公司调度所从事“施工、维修作业及其它作业防护联络工作的人员”。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]贝克提出的五种认知治疗技术并不包括( )。
A. 个性化 B. 去中心化 C. 识别自动化思维 D. 识别认知性错误 [判断题]下货堆叠时整箱与零散货品要统一堆放。
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