At some time around 2300BC, give or
take a century or two, a large number of the major civilizations of the world
collapsed, in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Israel, Anatolia, and Greece, as well as in
Afghanistan and China. All of them the first urban civilizations fell into rain
at more or less the same time. A thousand years later, around 1200BC, many of
the civilizations of the same regions again collapsed at about the same
time. The reasons for these widespread and apparently simultaneous disasters which coincided with changes to cultures and societies elsewhere, such as in Britain, have long been a fascinating mystery. Traditional explanations included warfare, famine, and more recently systems collapse, but the apparent absence of direct archaeological or written evidence for causes, as opposed to effects, has led many archaeologi A. Clube and Napier. B. Luis Alvarez. C. Claude Schaeffer. D. Baillie and Mackie. [多项选择]甲公司采用成本法核算对乙公司的长期股权投资,甲公司对乙公司投资的账面余额只有在发生( )的情况下,才应作相应的调整。
A. 追加投资 B. 收回投资 C. 被投资企业接受非现金资产捐赠 D. 对该股权投资计提减值准备 E. 将应分得的现金股利转为投资 [多选题]从事铁路企业高温作业的人员包括()列检作业人员、房建施工作业人员等。
A.线路工、巡道工 B.探伤工、信号工 C.接触网工 D.调车作业人员 [多选题]若只能用隔离开关对母线送电时,应进行必要的检查确认其(____)。
A.设备正常 B.绝缘良好 C.连接母线的所有接地线拆除 D.连接母线的所有接地隔离开关拉开 标准 [单选题]项目一次性收入录入中不同业务对应不同的业务名称和财务科目,其中一些业务名称下的收入不计入ICT收入。以下哪个业务名称不属于ICT业务收入?
A.系统集成 B.维保费 C.施工安装 D.大数据信息服务费 [单选题]飞机的区域 600 指的是什么?_
A.门; B.左大翼; C.右大翼; D.上部机身 [多选题]在测量过程中,若存在多个系统误差,并且在( )时,可采用方和根法确定其综合误差。
A.系统误差项数较少 B.只知道其误差数值 C.无法确定其误差符号 D.各局部误差的数值稳定 [填空题]《关于印发铁路旅客车站客运设备设施管理办法的通知》(铁客〔2019〕4号)规定,按照铁路专业分工,将与客运生产组织、旅客安全和服务质量直接相关的设备设施分为客运<--NRC-->设备和客运使用设备。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]产生“天癸”的主要物质是()
A. 肾中之精气 B. 肾阳之温煦 C. 肾阴之濡润 D. 肾之封藏 E. 元气之充足 我来回答: 提交