The reliability principle requires that
accounting information be dependable--free from significant error and bias.
Users of accounting information rely on its truthfulness. To be reliable,
information must be verifiable by people outside the business; Financial
statement users may consider information reliable if independent experts would
agree that the information is based on objective and honest
measurement. Consider the error in a company’s failure to accrue interest revenue at the end of an accounting period. This error results in understated interest revenue and understated net income. Clearly, this company’s accounting information is unreliable. Biased information -- data prepared from a particular viewpoint and not based on objective facts -- is also unreliable. Suppose a company purchased inventory for $ 25. 000. At the end of the ac A. The accounting information should depend on the principle. B. The accounting information should be free from significant error and bias. C. The accounting information relies on independent experts. D. The accounting information must be verifiable by people outside. [单项选择]某水池装有甲、乙、丙、丁四根水管,单独开各管,注满水池的时间分别为60分钟,45分钟,30分钟和15分钟。现先开甲、丙两管10分,然后单独开丁管,则注满水池还需多少分钟
A. 15 B. 7.5 C. 10 D. 12 [判断题]制动机缓解时,制动管通过分配阀向工作风缸充风至定压,充风结束后,充风通路保持开启。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]
Ben Buchanan and A Magic Book The Texas teen is devouring the 672 pages of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince written by J. K. Rowling. When Buchanan got the first Harry Potter book in 1998, he was struggling with difficulty in reading. But when his morn read the first chapter aloud to him, he was determined to conquer his first "real" book. Ⅰ. The success of Rowling’s books: 1) over (1) of Rowling’s books printed in U.S. (1) ______ 2) kids reading and (2) each title fervently. (2) ______ However, whether all of this hype of countdowns and midnight trips to bookstores translates into a lifelong reading habit remains unclear. Ⅱ. Our society now needed a reading renaissance: 1) A study shows: adult (3) have dropped 10 percentage points. (3) ______ A. the loss of readers possibl [单项选择]下面哪一个例子不属于基本人际状态中的“间人”()
A. 中国型 B. 日本型 C. 现代美欧型 D. 印度型 [多选题]以下描述正确的是 。
A.运营单位应当统筹协调建设单位及设备供应商配合做好安全评估工作,如实提供有关情况和资料; B.运营单位应对所提供情况和资料的真实性负责; C.第三方安全评估机构不得将运营单位提供的相关资料提供给与第三方安全评估工作无关人员; D.第三方安全评估机构不得将运营单位提供的相关资料用于安全评估工作之外的其他用途; [单项选择]男性,30岁。左下后牙自发性肿痛,吸吮时易出血。自诉5天前曾用牙签剔牙。口腔检查:56牙间乳头红肿有明显探触痛,易出血。牙体无龋坏和非龋性疾病。叩诊(+),无松动,来探及牙周袋。可能的诊断是()。
A. 急性牙髓炎 B. 急性牙周炎 C. 急性根尖周炎 D. 急性龈乳头炎 E. 急性坏死溃疡性龈炎 [名词解释]副热带高压
A.110(66)kV B.220kV C.330kV D.35kV [单项选择]甲、乙(均为17周岁)经常在小学校门外拦截小学生索要玩具,严重扰乱了学校周边的社会秩序。甲、乙的行为构成()。
A. 抢劫罪 B. 寻衅滋事罪 C. 抢夺罪 D. 敲诈勒索罪 [多项选择]企业内部控制设计的原则主要是( )。
A. 制定明确的目标、计划和预算 B. 确定组织机构和职责划分 C. 科学的合理的程序化管理 D. 完善的文件记录保存制度 E. 企业最高负责人有最终责任,其他员工对内部控制没有责任 [判断题]建筑施工安全检查评分,应以汇总表的总得分及保证项目达标与否作为对一个施工现场安全生产情况的评价依据,分为优良、合格、不合格3个等级。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]反映流量与管路中水头损失之间的关系的曲线称为管路特性曲线,即( )。
A.∑h=SQ B. ∑h=SQ2 C. ∑h=S/Q2 D. ∑h=S/Q [单选题]( )上的坚定清醒是政治上坚定的前提
A.政治立场 B.政治信仰 C.理想信念 D.思想理论 [单选题]( )是指教师借助行动研究不断探讨和解决教学目的、教学工具和自身方面的问题,不断提升教学实践的合理性,是新手教师转变为专家教师的~种方式和途径。
A.教学反思 B.教学实践 C.课堂教学 D.校本培训 [单选题]资产负债表的编制依据是()。
A.资产=收入+利润+负债 B.资产=费用+收入 C.资产=负债+所有者权益 D.资产=利润+所有者权益 [单选题]下列文学常识相关内容的搭配,不正确的一组是
A.刘兰芝——《孔雀东南飞》——《玉台新咏》——叙事诗 B.林冲——施耐庵——《水浒》——章回小说 C.《小狗包弟》——冰心巴金——现代——散文 D.《奥赛罗》——莎士比亚——英国——悲剧 [判断题]处理故障时,严禁擅自修改运用中的计算机联锁、TCC、TSRS、CTC、RBC、ATP、LKJ、应答器等软件及数据。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]飞剪在剪切的水平方向的速度略小于或等于轧件运动的速度。
A. 1.5~2m B. 3m C. 3.5m D. 4m 我来回答: 提交