American Indian Movement (AIM) is an
organization devoted to promoting cultural awareness and political
self-determination for Native Americans. AIM seeks recognition of treaty rights
in accordance with agreements between Native American tribes and the United
States government. The organization also supports Native American education and
cultural programs. AIM is best known for its confrontational political
demonstrations during the late 192s and 1970s. AIM was founded in 1968 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, in response to complaints by Native American residents about police brutality. Members of the organization began to monitor police behavior. As the group gained strength, they also started to lobby for improved city services for the many Native Americans living in run-down tenant apartments, and they de A. To demonstrate their power and show their determination to fight against the government. B. To draw public attention to the poor conditions of Native American reservations throughout the United States and to protest the U.S, government’s treatment of Native Americans and the loss of their ancestral lands. C. To appeal to the people to invest more money on the Native American. D. To protest the Vietnam War. [单选题]分子筛对不同分子的吸附能力,下列说法正确的是( )
A.分子不饱和度越高越容易吸附 B.分子极性越弱越容易吸附 C.分子越小越容易吸附 D.分子越大越容易吸附 [简答题]简述风电场升压站分为三级监控?
A. 1滴 B. 2滴 C. 3滴 D. 4滴 [单项选择]下面哪位心理学家将强化分为直接强化、替代性强化和自我强化?()
A. 马斯洛 B. 韦纳 C. 班杜拉 D. 阿特金森 [多选题]下列属于车务专业刚性约束内容的有 ( )
A.错误准备列车进路 B.道口监护人员不关闭道口;车站值班员(内勤助理值班员)不通知道口 C.未在列车最后一辆进行简略试验;简略试验不良办理发车 D.扰动道床施工首趟放行旅客列车;设备故障未得到设备管理单位交付使用或准许放行列车的销记放行列车;施工(维修)未销记放行列车 E.准许无计划、超范围施工(维修) F.发现、接到危及行车安全的报告不拦停列车 G.在同意区间禁会列车预告(闭塞)前不确认邻线区间空闲,盲目同意预告(闭塞) H.未得到防溜措施撤除的汇报即开放出站信号(准备进路)。 [多选题]掌旗的错误姿势是( )。
A.拿旗 B.抗旗 C.举旗 D.抬旗 [单选题]《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》(铁总运〔2016〕247号)规定:果皮盘、热水瓶内外洁净;()、洗脸间四周洁净。
A.乘务室 B.通过台 C.垃圾箱(桶) D.电茶炉 [单项选择]失活剂三氧化二砷的封药时间是()。
A. 1周 B. 24~48h C. 48~72h D. 2周 E. 10d [判断题]一办公室,建筑面积为120㎡,设在第三层的两部疏散楼梯之间,房间门的净宽为1.0m,按《建规》规定,可设一个门。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]关于肺炎链球菌肺炎,下列哪项是正确的
A. 多发生于年老体弱或免疫功能低下者 B. 以急起寒战、高热、咳嗽、咳铁锈色痰为特征 C. X线胸片为大片絮状阴影,易形成空洞 D. 治疗以氨基糖苷类药物为首选 [单选题]人体同时接触带电设备或线路中的两相导体时,电流从一相通过人体流入另一相,这种触电现象称为( )触电。
A.单相 B.感应电 C.两相 [单选题]焊条电弧焊热焊法焊补缺陷较小的灰铸铁时,操作方法应采用( )。
A.断续焊 B.连续焊 C.细焊条 D.小电流 [单项选择]34岁已婚,白带增多2周,伴外阴瘙痒,3周来常服用螺旋霉素,查体外阴潮红,阴道黏膜充血,上覆白色膜状物,宫颈轻度糜烂,白带查滴虫(-)。下列处理哪项不正确:
A. 制霉菌素治疗 B. 做白带真菌检查 C. 用达克宁霜擦阴道治疗 D. 加用先锋霉素治疗 E. 治疗期间避免性生活 [判断题]负责制定现金出纳业务管理实施细则是法人单位业务管理部门主要职责。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]极地/冬季求生时应多喝酒类饮料,可以使身体感觉暖和些.
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交