Silicon Valley is a magnet to which
numerous talented engineers, scientists and entrepreneurs from overseas flock in
search of fame, fast money and to participate in a technological revolution
whose impact on mankind will surely surpass the epoch-making European
Renaissance and Industrial Revolution of the bygone age. It is noteworthy that close to50% of its skilled manpower, including engineers, scientists and entrepreneurs, come from Asia. Prominent among them are Indians and Chinese, and not a few Singaporeans. They include such illustrious names as Vinod Khosla who co-founded Sun Microsystems, Jerry Yang of Yahoo fame and Singaporean Sim Wong Hoo, to name a few. Many countries have, or are in the process of creating, their own "Silicon Valley". So far, none has as yet threatened the preeminen A. look for fame. B. become rich quickly. C. take part in a technological revolution. D. emigrate there. [单选题]当刀具的副偏角()时,在车削凹陷轮廓面时应产生过切现象。
A..大 B..过大 C..过小 D..大,过大,过小均不对 [单选题]跨区域灭火救援行动的实施步骤:( )、组队集结、编队开赴、到达现场。
A.受理火警 B.接受任务 C.调派力量 D.启动预案 [单项选择]电控燃油喷射系统中,输油管路中的密封垫圈为()使用的零件。
A. 二次 B. 多次 C. 一次 D. 永久 [多选题] 脚手架检查验收应具备下列资料( )。
A.专项施工方案及变更文件; B.周转使用的脚手架构配件使用前的复检合格记录; C.地基基础施工记录和试验资料应完整; D.构配件进场.基础施工.架体搭设.防护设施施工阶段的施工记录及质量检查记录。 [多项选择]板坯在经过粗轧R1后扣头的原因是可能()。
A. R1水平需要调整 B. 板坯上下表面存在温差 C. 轧制线高度需要调整 D. 上下辊辊径未匹配好 [多选题]下列关于运营桥梁墩台桩基础的埋置深度说法正确的是( )?
A.冻胀土地区,当承台底设置在土中时,承台底面高程应位于冻结线以下不少于0.5m。 B.木桩顶面应位于最低地下水位或最低水位以下不小于0.25m C.嵌入新鲜岩面以下的钻(挖)孔灌注桩,其嵌入深度不小于 0.5m。 D.有流冰的河流,承台底面高程应在最低冰层底面(冻结线)以下不少于 0.25m;或桩在最大冲刷线下的埋置深度必须保证墩台稳定。 [单项选择]资产按照预计从其持续使用和最终处置中所取得的未来净现金流入量的折现金额计量体现的是()
A. 重置成本 B. 可变现净值 C. 现值 D. 公允价值 [简答题]气测录井资料录取要求,气测录井数据表按井深顺序每
( )进行资料整理。
[单选题]研具的材料有灰口铸铁,而( )材料因嵌存磨料的性能好,强度高目前也得到广泛应用。
A.软钢 B.铜 C.球墨铸铁 D.可锻铸铁 [单项选择]England is not a big country: from north to south and from east to west (1) is only about three hundred miles (2) . But for a small country it has a (3) range of climates. People who have (4) visited England, or who have visited only (5) of it, often (6) of thinking that it is a cold and wet country. (7) the summer months of June to September, this is probably true of the (8) of England and Midlands. In the south, however, the (9) is much pleasant. One (10) is that when people retire from a job in the south they often prefer to (11) to the milder south.
Perhaps the warmest (12) of the country is the southwest, which consists of the counties of Devon and Comwall. The (13) Gulf Stream flows across the North Atlantic Ocean from the Gulf of Mexico and makes the coastal regions of the (14) quite warm. Palm trees, bamboo and many semi-tropical plants grow A. as tall as B. so long as C. so tall as D. as much as [多选题]常见的收入虚增风险有( )。
A.采用以旧换新方式销售时,以新旧商品差价确认收入 B.发生在会计期间以后的销售提早确认; C.虚构发票; D.发送货物的数量多于顾客订购的数量。 E.把发送给本企业仓库的货物记录为销售。 [简答题]捞、洗样过程中要注意防滑,捞样处应按装( )。
[判断题]遇四级及其以上风力应停止一切吊运作业:( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]摆脱电流是人能自主摆脱带电体的最大电流,成年男性一般为()。
A.40毫安 B.16毫安 C.30毫安 我来回答: 提交