The majority of people, about nine out
of ten, are right-handed. Up until recently, people who were left- handed were
considered abnormal, and once children showed this {{U}} (67) {{/U}} they
were forced to use their right hands. Today left-handedness is generally {{U}} (68) {{/U}}, but it is still a disadvantage in a world {{U}} (69) {{/U}} most people are right-handed. For example, most tools and implements are still {{U}} (70) {{/U}} for right-handed people. In sports, by {{U}} (71) {{/U}}, doing things with the left hand or foot, is often an advantage. Throwing, kicking, punching or batting from the so-called "{{U}} (72) {{/U}}"side may result in throwing {{U}} (73) {{/U}} many opponents who are more accustomed {{U}} (74) {{/U}} dealing with the majority of players who right- handed. This is why, in many {{U}} (75) {{/U A. indirect B. wrong C. correct D. usual [多选题]物业服务合同约定的内容,不应当包括()。
A.业主室内装饰装修管理服务 B.业主专有部分的维修、养护与管理 C.特约服务和延伸服务 D.专项维修资金的监管 E.物业管理区域内的交通协管服务 [多项选择]阴黄脾虚湿滞证的临床主症有
A. 肢软乏力 B. 面目及肌肤染黄 C. 甚则晦暗不泽 D. 口中干苦 E. 大便溏薄 [单选题] 根据《刑法》的规定,防卫过当应负刑事责任,但是( )处罚。
A. 可以酌情减轻或者免除 B. 可以酌情从轻或者减轻 C. 应当从轻或者减轻 D. 应当减轻或者免除 [单选题]电气化铁路附近发生火灾时,须遵守下列规定 距牵引供电设备带电部分不足( )m的燃着物体,使用水或灭火器灭火时,牵引供电设备必须停电。
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 [单项选择]可转换公司债券自发行之日起( )后方可转换为公司股票。
A. 六个月 B. 一 C. 十个月 D. 一年半 [多选题]为加强客户(),规范(),维护正常()和保障(),提高(),制定《国家电网有限公司客户安全用电服务若干规定》。
A.A.安全用电服务 B.B.用电检查行为 C.C.供用电秩序 D.D.公共安全 E.E.安全用电水平 F.掠 G.掠 [单选题]抄表时,如发现有表但无抄表信息,应先查明原因,再抄录电能表信息并及时处理。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]以下对人工准备进路说法正确的有()。
A.办理接发车进路,车站无法通过车站信号工作站确认进路道岔位置时,需现场办理道岔至正确位置并使用钩锁器锁定 B.进路上的道岔均需确认正确位置并用钩锁器锁闭 C.与未开通线路连接的运营正线道岔日常已断电钩锁的,人工现场办理进路时无需再到现场确认 D.控制台操纵道岔、排列进路后,光带锁闭,不能光带锁闭的,单操单锁 [填空题]通信卫星主要用来远距离传送电话、( )和电视业务。
[单选题]中国公民在我国领域外犯罪,经过外国审判后( )。
A. 我国刑法不予追究 B. 仍可以以我国刑法追究 C. 特殊情况才追究 D. 一般情况不追究 [单选题]三层交换机故障、触发报警,系统指示灯FAULT灯的颜色为( )。
A. 绿色 B. 红色 C. 橙色 D. 蓝色 [填空题]Dear Sirs,
Printed Cotton Piece Goods We are importers of textiles (纺织原料) and manufactured cotton goods. We have recently concluded some satisfactory business with the Metals & Minerals Corporation, Beijing Branch. We now have a good demand for the captioned items (标题所列商品) and therefore write to you in the hope of establishing relations. From your recently published catalogue, we notice that you are able to supply printed cotton goods. We should be grateful if you would kindly send us some samples of the goods which you can supply together with a price list giving details of packing and weight so as to enable us to go fully into the possibilities of business. We look forward to your early news in this connection and trust that through our mutual cooperation we shall be able to conclude some transactions (交易) with you in the near future. Yours faithfully, [简答题]外汇的特点和作用
A. 发电机自励磁 B. 铁磁谐振过电压 C. 电力系统事故解列后,部分系统甩负荷 D. 变压器分接头连接调整不当 我来回答: 提交