Since sick building syndrome (综合病症) (SBS) shares symptoms with many prevalent maladies (疾病), from the common cold to allergies and asthma, it can be easily overlooked. The condition is typically recognized only after a group of people occupying the same building come down with the classic symptoms, especially if those symptoms wane during the evening and on weekends. Given a poorly ventilated (使通风), airtight (不漏气的,密封的)building, SBS is believed to be caused by one of two general categories of pollution. The first, typical of flew or newly renovated buildings, is chemical pollution. That "new smell" you get when first moving into a new house is actually the odor of chemical vapors being given off by paint, glue (胶), carpeting and other construction materials. Formaldehyde (甲醛), which is considered a probable hum A. SBS is actually some kind of prevalent maladies. B. SBS has similar symptoms to those of many prevalent maladies. C. SBS has a specific symptom different from that of any other maladies. D. None mentioned in the article. [单项选择]牙髓活力温度测试的中冷刺激是指()。
A. 低于0℃的刺激 B. 低于5℃的刺激 C. 低于10℃的刺激 D. 低于15℃的刺激 E. 低于20℃的刺激 [单选题]《南昌局集团公司限制铁路运输领域严重失信人购买车票管理办法》(南铁客〔2018〕172号)站车工作人员在处置时,应通过()方式明确告知旅客处置依据和纳入铁路旅客信用信息管理,采取限制购票措施。
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A. 高血压 B. 高脂血症 C. 先天性血管畸形 D. 脑动脉粥样硬化 E. 血液黏稠度增加 [单项选择]2016年是长征胜利()。
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A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]()是综合业务系统识别柜员身份的唯一标识。
A.身份证号码 B.柜员指纹 C.柜员号 D.柜员姓名 [名词解释]系统风险
[单项选择]罐头食品在37%中保温7天,下列对胖听的描述正确的是( )。
A. 胖听程度增大可能是生物性气胀 B. 胖听程度不变可能是生物性气胀 C. 胖听消失可能是化学性膨胀 D. 胖听程度不变可能是物理性膨胀 [判断题]S9号线最小站间距为团结圩至高淳站,站间距为6.24KM,平均站间距为10.35KM。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]女性,39岁,半年前因肛旁脓肿切开引流,之后局部皮肤反复红肿、破溃,局部痒,应考虑为()
A. 混合痔 B. 肛瘘 C. 肛旁疖肿 D. 血栓性外痔 E. 肛旁慢性肉芽肿 [判断题]检验检疫机构对进出口电池实施强制检验,进出口电池产品在报检时须提供《电池产品汞含量检测合格确认书》。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交