Ten Keys to Success What is it that makes people successful and I mean really successful compared to you or me Are they smarter or do they work harder Are they risk takers or have powerful and influential friends The financial newspaper Investors Business Daily (IBD) asked these same questions a few years ago and started a multi-year search for the answer. They studied industry leaders, investors and entrepreneurs to understand the traits they all h A. being positive B. reading extensively C. being modest D. cherishing time [简答题]在电梯机房内作业时,应注意哪些问题?
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]212.压井过程中,要使压井排量( )。
A.遂渐增大 B.遂渐减小 C.不变 D.先增大后减小 [单选题]列车在运行途中,遇机车、自轮运转特种设备电台发生故障时,列车应在( )报告。《技规》
A.发生站 B.前方站停车 C.最近站 D.前方站 [判断题]多人抬杠,应同肩,步调一致,起放电杆时应相互呼应协调。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]“臣之壮也,犹不如人;今老矣,无能为也已。 ”之,的词性、词义分别是
A.助词、的 B.代词、他 C.助词、表示提宾标志 D.助词、取消句子独立性 [单选题]某病人长期发热,皮肤、关节、心、肝、肾各方面都有病态表现时,下列哪种诊断可能性最大()
A.风湿 B.结核 C.肝炎 D.系统性红斑狼疮 E.肾脏疾病 [判断题]列车转向架是H型无摇枕焊接转向架。
In recent years a new farming revolution has begun, one that involves the (1) of life at a fundamental level-the gene. The study of genetics has (2) a new industry called biotechnology. As the name suggests, it (3) biology and modern technology through such techniques as genetic engineering. Some of the new biotech companies specialize in agriculture and are working feverishly to (4) seeds that give a high yield, that (5) disease, drought and frost, and that reduce the need for (6) chemicals. If such goals could be achieved, it would be most (7) . But some have raised concerns about genetically engineered crops. [填空题]中央银行区别于其他金融机构最基本的标志是()。
A. 科技试验 B. 型式试验 C. 外观检验 D. 统一清洗 [单项选择]当船舶遇险时,()向RCC发出遇险报警和进行遇险通信。
A. 必须经过事先设置的FORVOICE岸站 B. 必须经过事先设置的FORTELEX岸站 C. 必须经过事先设置的FORDISTRESS岸站 D. 可经过任一临时设置的岸站 [简答题]()提供了网络和基站间所有无线连接的功能,可以覆盖一个或者几个小区。
[单选题]排烟防火阀是安装在排烟系统管道上,在一定时间内能满足耐火稳定性和耐火完整性要求,起隔烟阻火作用的阀门。当管道内排出的烟气温度达到( )℃时,阀门自动关闭。
A.100 B.200 C.180 D.280 [多选题]计量、负控装置工作时,应有防止()、电弧灼伤的措施。
A. A.电流互感器二次侧开路 B.B.电压互感器二次侧短路 C.C.相间短路 D.D.相对地短路 [单选题]为了提供足够的信任表明实体能够满足质量要求,而在质量体系中实施并根据需要进行证实的全部有计划和有系统的活动, 称为( )。
A.质量保证 B.质量控制 C.质量体系 D.质量策划 我来回答: 提交