6-10 It was the worst tragedy in maritime history, six times more deadly than the Titanic. When the German cruise ship Wilhelm Gustloff was hit by torpedoes fired from a Russian submarine in the final winter of World War Ⅱ, more than 10,000 people--mostly women, children and old people fleeing the final Red Army push into Nazi Germany--were packed aboard. An ice storm had turned the decks into frozen sheets that sent hundreds of families sliding into the sea as the ship tilted and began to go down. Others desperately tried to put lifeboats down. Some who succeeded fought off those in the water who had the strength to try to claw their way aboard. Most people froze immediately. "I’ll never forget the screams," says Christa Ntitzmann, 87, one of the 1,200 survivors. She recalls watching the ship, brightly lit, slippin A. were eager, to win international acceptance B. felt guilty for their crimes in World War Ⅱ C. had been pressured to keep silent about it D. were afraid of offending their neighbors [单选题]打好脱贫攻坚战是全面建成小康社会的关键之战,要坚决打好脱贫攻坚战,要结合实际实施好“五个一批”工程,下列选项不属于“五个一批”的一项是( )。
A.发展生产脱贫一批 B.易地搬迁脱贫一批 C.生态补偿脱贫一批 D.生产自助脱贫一批 [单选题]开关柜、负荷开关-熔断器组合电器柜应具有完善的“()”功能。
A.三防 B.四防 C.五防 D.六防 [多项选择]企业取得会计软件的方式有()。
A. 购买 B. 自行开发 C. 委托开发 D. 联合开发 [单选题]下列关于叶酸的说法,正确的是( )。
A.叶酸参与血红蛋白的合成,缺乏可导致小细胞低色素性贫血 B.叶酸参与DNA合成,缺乏可导致巨幼红细胞性贫血 C.叶酸参与DNA合成,缺乏可导致小细胞低色素性贫血 D.叶酸缺乏会影响正常神经髓鞘脂质合成,引起神经性症状 [单项选择]()是18世纪英国最重要的小说家。
A. 笛福 B. 斯威夫特 C. 理查生 D. 菲尔丁 [判断题]原则上,较大额度的贷款必须办理抵质押;抵质押物应易变现,可监控;抵质押物的实际市场价值必须完全覆盖贷款本息及费用;合理确定抵质押率。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]一批奖金发给甲、乙、丙、丁四人,其中发给甲,发给乙,发给丙的奖金数正好是甲、乙奖金之差的3倍,已知发给丁的奖金为200元,则这批奖金数为( ).
A. 1500元 B. 2000元 C. 2500元 D. 3000元 E. 3600元 我来回答: 提交