Many Women Who
Beat Cancer Don’t Change Habits{{/B}} Many women who battle breast cancer will tell you it’s a life-changing experience. However, a new study shows that for many {{U}} (51) {{/U}}, the changes aren’t always positive or permanent. Beth Snoke has watched her mother and both grandmothers battle and survive breast {{U}} (52) {{/U}} So when she was diagnosed, there was no doubt in her mind {{U}} (53) {{/U}} she had to do. "I do exactly what the doctors say as far as the medicine that I’m on, as {{U}} (54) {{/U}} as the vitamins, the diet, and the fitness. And I can’t stress enough {{U}} (55) {{/U}} important that is," says Beth Snoke. But a surprising new study shows that {{U}} (56) {{/U}} every woman who beats breast can A. their B. his C. her D. our [单项选择]晚期产后出血最常见的原因()
A. 胎盘、胎膜残留 B. 蜕膜残留 C. 子宫胎盘附着部位复旧不良 D. 子宫内膜炎 E. 剖宫产术后子宫切口感染 [填空题]污染物主要包括固体颗粒、微生物和()。
[判断题] ( )交流电源突然中断,直流母线应连续供电,电压波动不应大于额定电压的15%。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]对于危险点为二向拉伸应力状态的铸铁构件,应使用()强度理论进行计算。
A. 第一 B. 第二 C. 第一和第二 D. 第三和第四 [多选题]就管理会计职业道德与财务会计法律制度的关系,以下说法不正确的是( )。
A.二者的性质不同,一个是强制的,一个是自律的 B.二者都代表国家的意志,具有强制性 C.二者的作用范围不同 D.二者的表现形式相同,都已明确的文字描述表达出来 [判断题]检查旁承,呼唤应答旁承间隙之和,锤敲旁承螺栓。上下旁承;间隙;螺栓;垫板;二侧旁承间隙之和2-6mm.螺栓不松动,垫板无破损。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]
[A] In 1849 gold was discovered in California in the mountains near San Francisco. So started the famous Gold Rush of the 49ers across the vast, unexplored wilderness that lay west of the Mississippi. Whole families perished. One small group of 49ers, looking for a short cut across the Sierra Nevada Mountains, happened to enter the infamous Death Valley. It was lucky for them it was winter, for in summer Death Valley is about the hottest and most desolate place on earth. As it was, one of the group died of thirst, and it was the 49ers who gave the valley its grim name. [判断题] 特殊性能钢是指用特殊方法生产,具有特殊物理、化学性能或力学性能的钢,包括不锈钢、耐热钢、耐磨钢、磁钢、超高强度钢(指σb>1400 MPa的钢)等。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]患者因股癣前来药店购药,不宜推荐的药物是( )
A.复方苯甲酸软膏 B.氢化可的松软膏 C.联苯苄唑软膏 D.酮康唑软膏 E.特比萘芬软膏 [单项选择]A common assumption about the private sector of education is that it caters only to the elite. (31) recent research points in the opposite direction. If we want to help some of most (32) group in society, then encouraging deeper private sector (33) is likely to be the best way forward.
Several developments are (34) in India, all of which involve the private education sector meeting the (35) of the poor in distinct ways. (36) India is not unique in this respect — similar phenomena are happening all over the developing world. As a point of departure, how do government schools serve the poor Usefully, the government sponsored Public Report on Basic Education in India from 1999 paints a very (37) picture of the " (38) " of the government schools for the poor. When researchers (39) unannounced on their random sample of the schools, only 53% had any "teaching activity" going on. (40) , A. alternative B. option C. substitute D. preference [单项选择]剪切后的零件主要检查其切口应与表面垂直,斜度允许偏差小于______的板厚。
A. 1/5 B. 1/10 C. 1/15 [单项选择]“它避免了多党的无序倾轧,也摆脱了一党的专制独裁。它是从中国实际出发、富有中国特色的政党制度。”“它”是指()。
A. 人民代表大会制度 B. 中共领导的多党合作和政治协商制度 C. 民族区域自治制度 D. 基层民主选举制度 [单项选择]It is the first American movie of this kind ______I've ever seen.
[单项选择]某建设项目业主与甲施工单位签订了施工总包合同,合同中保函手续费为20万元,合同工期为200d。合同履行过程中,因不可抗力事件发生致使开工日期推迟30d,因异常恶劣气候停工10d,因季节性大雨停工5d,因设计分包单位延期交图停工7d,上述事件均未发生在同一时间,则甲施工总包单位可索赔的保函手续费为( )万元。
A. 0.7 B. 3.7 C. 4.7 D. 5.2 [单选题]高速铁路有砟轨道路肩宽度:250 km/h及以上区段双线不应小于1.4 m,单线不应小于( )。
A.1.5 m B.1.6 m C.1.7 m D.1.8 m [单选题]列入城建档案管理部门接收范围的工程,建设单位在工程竣工验收后()个月内向城建档案管理部门移交一套符合规定的工程档案(监理文件资料)。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.6 [单选题]深入∶浅尝辄止
A.疏远∶形影不离 B.细致∶事无巨细 C.安定∶水深火热 D.独立∶自食其力 [判断题]一台集中火灾报警控制器(联动型)可以设置多个总线控制盘。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]炭黑补强填充橡胶的性能,如300%定伸应力、压出收缩率等很大程度上依赖于()性。粒径越小则对胶料的(),();粒径越大则(),但是具有良好的()、()。
[单选题]马克思主义教育学在教育起源问题上坚持( )。
A.生物起源论 B.劳动起源论 C.心理起源论 D.生物进化论 [单项选择]胫骨内侧髁下方至内踝尖的骨度分寸是( )
A. 6寸 B. 9寸 C. 12寸 D. 13寸 E. 16寸 [判断题]室外的电子设备应在缆线终端入口处设置浪涌保护器或防雷型变压器。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 加热炉辐射炉管退油至( )。
A.焦炭塔 B.分馏塔 C.接触冷却塔 D.原料罐 [单项选择]骨折愈合期肌力训练中,肌力为2~3级时采用()。
A. 抗阻训练 B. 抗重力训练 C. 神经肌肉电刺激,被动运动 D. 以多点抗阻等长收缩训练为主 E. 以主动运动为主,亦可进行助力运动 [单选题](单选题)粉碎江青反革命集团后的两年间,虽然已经宣告“文化大革命”的结束,各项工作也有所前进。但是党和国家的工作在总体上受到严重的阻碍,处于徘徊中前进的局面,这种局面直到( )才告结束。
A.1977年党的十一大 B.1978年5月真理标准讨论时 C.1978年12月召开的党的十一届三中全会 [简答题]简述"百会"穴的主治与操作。
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