It was a foolish question to ask. It (61) more sense for me to have learned if she had (62) or a point of view, but it was (63) for that now and I supposed that the (64) Relations Office had (65) her before granting the interview. I didn’t have time this week to read (66) pieces about corporate rainmakers and their golden parachutes or women at midtown law firms (67) six times my salary but whining about breaking the (68) ceiling.
"Won’t waste your time," she (69) . "If the details on your (70) are accurate and the articles Laura (71) me have correct background, we won’t have to (72) that." I (73) in approval. She was obviously a (74) , and an intelligent one (75) . It was always (76) to sit for a (77) when the questioner spent the first hour asking what schools I had (78) , how long (79) , and whether I
A. a fish to fry
B. a nut to crack
C. a song to sing
D. an axe to grind
As more women in the United States are
working now, more are finding it necessary to make business trips alone. Since
this is still new for many, some tips are certainly in order. If you are
married, it is a good idea to encourage your husband and children to learn to
cook a few simple meals while you are away. They will be much happier and
probably they will enjoy the experience. If you will be eating alone a good
deal, choose good restaurants. In the end, they will be much better for your
digestion (消化). You may also find it useful to call the restaurant in advance
and state that you will be eating alone. You will probably get better service
and almost certainly a better table. Finally, and most importantly, get fully
prepared what you will need in your travel as a businesswoman; this starts with
lightweight luggage which you can easi A. It provides space for dirty clothes. B. It can be easily folded when packed. C. It can also be used as a briefcase. D. It enables them to travel easily. [单选题]以下不属于统计图特点的是( )。
A.A、抽象 B.B、生动 C.C、形象 D.D、直观 [单选题]微观粒子,包括电子和光,都具有“【 】”。
A.波动性 B.粒子性 C.波粒二象性 [判断题]如果可燃液体在容器内燃烧时,应从容器的一侧上部向容器中喷射但注意不能将喷流直接喷射在燃烧液面上,防止灭火剂的冲力将可燃液体冲出容器而扩大火势。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]钢轨探伤仪手推车上的走行系统有( )部分组成。
A.探伤小车轮 B.尼龙轮 C.保险轮 D.橡胶轮 [判断题]井队平台经理或工程师未持有效井控培训合格证的。停工整改,对所属的勘探公司或井下作业公司有关人员罚款5万元人民币/人。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]
施工作业地点在站外,距离进站信号机(反方向进站信号机)小于820m时,现场 防护人员应站在距进站信号机(反方向进站信号机)( )m附近; A.20 B.50 C.800 D.820 [单项选择]缺乏下列哪种维生素可产生巨幼红细胞性贫血()
A. 维生素B12 B. 维生素C C. 维生素B1 D. 维生素B2 E. 维生素B6 [单项选择]以下哪种不属于权力寻租的方式?()
A. 通过政府规制的寻租 B. 通过关税和进出口配额的寻租 C. 政府承包中的寻租 D. 批文的寻租 [单选题]《行规》电动、手动脱轨器管理及作业规定中,电动脱轨器联锁失效情况下,下达准备进路命令时,要重点布置确认脱轨器位置和加锁状态;( )进路准备妥当后,须重点检查脱轨器处于脱轨状态和单独锁闭(加锁)情况。
A.车站值班员 B.外勤助理员 C.引导人员 D.准备进路人员 [单项选择]人情消费不断攀高,让农村家庭苦不堪言。农民现金收入渠道少,水平低,高额的人情消费不仅影响了正常的生活开销,而且减少了必要的生产投入,成为一种沉重负担。特别是低收入家庭,生活本就捉襟见肘,人情消费更是难以承受之重。
上述文字主要说明了()。 A. 农民应该拿更多资金投入生产 B. 人情消费在农村社会生活中的普遍性 C. 低收入家庭负担不起不断攀高的人情消费 D. 攀高的人情消费对农村家庭的影响 [多选题]我国婚姻家庭法的基本原则包括( )。
A.婚姻自由原则 B.一夫一妻原则 C.男女平等原则 D.夫妻互相忠实、尊重、关爱原则 [单项选择]空白凭证出入库均应坚持()原则。
A. 单人办理 B. 双人复核 C. 双人办理 D. 会计主管审批 [填空题]信号联锁设备必须符合( )原则。
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