Alcohol use is the number one drug problem among young people. It’s easy to understand why. For adults, alcohol is legal, widely (1) in American culture and easily (2) . Many kids can get a drink right in their own homes. (3) are drinking younger and more frequently than (4) , often beginning around age 13, according to studies. The average number of alcoholic drinks among college students is five on a single (5) , according to a recent survey. Among those younger 21, it is 5.5 drinks, and among (6) 21 and older, it is 4.2 drinks.
Young people almost always begin drinking because of (7) pressure, in an attempt to be accepted and (8) in the group. According to the U.S. Surgeon General, more than half of junior and senior high school students drink alcoholic (9) . More than 40 percent of those who drink admit to drinking when upset, 31 percent admit to drinking (10) , 25 percent admit
A. these
B. those
C. which
D. whom
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[单选题]三相功率因数表是用来测量三相三线制电路中对称负荷的( )。
A.相位角或功率因数 B.频率和功率因数 C.功率 D.电功 [多选题]为防范大客流拥挤踩踏风险,以下为大客流车站正确做法的是:( )。
A.申请增设安装客流疏导栏杆,站台增设瞭望台。 B.合理编制列车时刻表,优化大客流车站、换乘站上下行列车到发时间。 C.制定突发大客流应急组织预案,合理使用车站设备设施,实施分级客流控制。 D.针对可预见性大客流,制定专项客运组织方案。 E.与属地综治办、公安、高铁、地铁、公交、长途客运建立联络机制,联防联控。 [单选题]引入光缆从门型架至电缆沟地埋部分应全程穿热镀锌钢管,钢管应全程密闭并与站内接地网可靠连接,钢管埋设路径上应设置地埋光缆标识或标牌,钢管地面部分应与构架固定。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [单选题]关于预应力工程施工的说法,正确的是( )。
A.都使用台座 B.都预留预应力孔道 C.都采用放张工艺 D.都使用张拉设备 [单项选择]某心理咨询师,在某超级市场遇见一位他的患者也正与其熟人在一起购物,这位治疗师故意未理睬他的患者,因为他遵循的一个心理治疗的原则是
A. 真诚原则 B. 保密原则 C. 中立原则 D. 回避原则 E. 灵活原则 [单选题]商业银行开放式公募产品单个开放日( )申请超过产品上日总份额的10%,即触发巨额赎回
A.申购 B.赎回 C.净申购 D.净赎回 [单项选择]结婚化妆,在白天外景时化妆宜采()为主。
A. 自然 B. 浓艳 C. 浓丽 D. 华丽 [多选题]下列选项中属于公安机关办理刑事案件,需要查明的案件事实的是()。
A.犯罪嫌疑人甲具有自首情节 B.犯罪嫌疑人乙被他人胁迫参加犯罪 C.犯罪嫌疑人丙出于泄愤而实施故意杀人 D.犯罪嫌疑人丁具有国家工作人员的身份 我来回答: 提交