2008年长三角部分城市国内生产总值情况表 | |||||||
城市 | 国内生产 总值(亿 元) | 第一产业 (亿元) | 同比增 长(%) | 第二产业 (亿元) | 同比增 长(%) | 第三产业 (亿元) | 同比增 长(%) |
上海市 | 13698.15 | 111.8 | 0.7 | 6235.92 | 8.2 | 7350.43 | 11.3 |
南京市 | 3775 | 93 | 1.3 | 1795 | 9.6 | 1887 | 15.3 |
扬州市 | 1573.29 | 117.47 | 5 | 897.71 | 13.8 | 558.11 | 14.5 |
南通市 | 2510.13 | 199.18 | 4.1 | 1430.93 | 13.7 | 880.02 | 15.0< A. 2个 B. 3个 C. 4个 D. 5个 [单选题]发电机在______________情况下容易发生自励磁。
A.接空载长线路 B.接负荷较重的线路 C.串联电容补偿度过小的线路 D.并联电容补偿度过小的线路 [单选题]车站与银行兑零时发生差错由银行负责多退少补,差错原则上由()与银行协商补还。
A.车站 B.值班站长 C.客运值班员 D.站区管理人员 [单选题]227.手车式开关柜的断路器手车常见故障有( )等。
A.A.断路器手车在试验位置时摇不进 B.B.断路器手车在工作位置时摇不出 C.C.断路器手车在工作位置定位状态时,断路分闸后,手车可以摇出 D.D.断路器在合闸状态时,手车不能移动 [单项选择]普通减水剂宜用于日最低气温()以上施工的混凝土。
A. 5℃ B. 8℃ C. 10℃ D. 12℃ [简答题]领导让你和同事一起办一件事,事情没有办好,同事把责任都推到你身上来,你该怎么办
[单项选择]Customs Procedure
All goods to be imported whether or not subject (29) import duties must be declared to the Customs in (30) on prescribed forms (Customs Form No. 1). All declaration (31) indicate a full and true account (32) the number and description of packages, as well as the description, value, weight and measure of quantity of (33) such goods. The goods shall be examined by proper customs officers as and (34) necessary. All goods imported (35) Malaysia shall, (36) first arrival of landing, be deposited by the importer (37) his agent in a customs or licensed warehouse or in a warehouse approved (38) the Director General of Customs. Goods deposited in a Customs warehouse are required to be declared (39) the stipulated period. The question of whether or not these goods are dutiable is decided by the Director General of Customs based (40) Section 22 of the Customs Act, 1967 A. for B. of C. up [填空题]控制电机的特点是()、体积小、重量轻和精度要求高。
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