All of us communicate with one another
non-verbally, as well as with words. Most of the time we’re not aware that we’re
doing it. We gesture with eyebrows or a hand, meet someone else’s eyes and look
away, shift positions in a chair. These actions we assume are random and
incidental. But researchers have discovered in recent years that there is a sys-
tem to them almost as consistent and comprehensible as language. Every culture has its own body language, and children absorb its nuances along with spoken language. A Frenchman talks and moves in French. The way an Englishman crosses his legs is nothing like the way a male American does it. In talking, Americans are apt to end a statement with a droop of the head or hand, a lowering of the eyelids. They wind up a question with a lift of the hand, a lift of the chin or a widening of A. body language differs in each culture B. Americans communicate differently from Frenchmen C. it is difficult to dub a foreign film into English D. a bilingual person is also bilingual in body language [填空题]对涂改植物检疫证书的,处30元至50元罚款;对伪造、诓骗植物检疫证书的予以(),并对违法个人处以100元至200元罚款。
A. L签证 B. F签证 C. J-1签证 D. 居留许可 [单选题]
(1分) V1002A/B贮存温度控制指标( )℃。 A.0~40 B.0~20 C.0~30 D.0~50 [简答题]多孔材料有哪几种?
A.有权 B.不能 C.无需 [判断题]用铝热焊时,插入短轨长度等于切除钢轨长度加上2倍预留焊缝值。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]商业银行贷款应当遵守资产负债比例管理的规定下列哪个规定是不正确的:()
A.资本充足率不得低于8% B.贷款余额与存款余额的比例不得超过75% C.流动性资产余额与流动性负债余额的比例不得低于15% D.对同一借款人的贷款余额与商业银行资本净额的比例不得超过10% [判断题]卖出债券的境内机构(境外投资者投资境内CIBM市场)或买入债券的境内机构(境外投资者撤资)通过CIBM市场收到或支付资金时,需进行间接申报。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]铺底流动资金的估算方法可采用()。
A. 扩大指标估算法 B. 系数估算法 C. 资金周转率法 D. 分项详细估算法 E. 比例估算法 [判断题]为方便使用,十字路口不应设有消火栓。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列关于视图的操作中,错误的是( )。
A. 操作数乘以2 B. 操作数除以2 C. 操作数乘以4 D. 操作数除以4 [单项选择]下列事实能体现生物多样性的间接使用价值的是()
A. 房间里放一盆鲜花能装点环境 B. 将来可能从蝗虫体内提取治疗艾滋病的特效药 C. 利用苍蝇平衡棒的原理研究火箭 D. 利用青蛙捕害虫减少农药的使用 [单选题]气瓶的压力,主要来源于( )
A.瓶装气体的膨胀 B.瓶装气体分子的不停地对瓶壁的碰撞 C.瓶装气体的液化 D.瓶外热量的输入 我来回答: 提交