A. 154118 B. 94183 C. 10722 D. 16766
[单项选择]患者女,12岁,小学5年级学生。害怕独自一人乘电梯,进入电梯后就胸口发闷、出汗、想马上逃出电梯。平素在家里做功课时要把电视机或者音响打开,以免害怕。最有效的治疗方法是() A. 药物治疗 B. 行为治疗 C. 催眠治疗 D. 一般心理治疗 E. 心脏内科治疗
[单选题]为做好青藏联网工程传播,公司组织创作了“一首赞歌”,这首歌名是( )。 A.《心如电》 B.《我和你》 C.《爱如电》 D.《祖国有我》
[判断题]信息系统设计时应充分考虑用户体验,避免因界面不友好、响应速度慢等情况带来较差的用户体验。 A.正确 B.错误
[单选题]黑客在进行信息收集时,通常利用Windows的IPC漏洞可以获得系统用户的列表的信息。 A. 对 B. 错
[多项选择]层层深入找出可能影响工程质量的原因,可采用( )法。 A. 控制图 B. 分层法 C. 直方图 D. 排列图 E. 因果分析图
[单选题]折返站道岔区段出现红光带处置要求( )。 A.确认故障区段空闲,信号人员操作直接复零。 B.道岔区段红光带需转换道岔位置时,由信号人员操作直接复零。 C.确认故障区段空闲,行车值班员操作道岔一个来回。 D.确认故障区段空闲,行车值班员操作道岔两个来回。
[单选题]非列控车载设备控车的列车在高速铁路运行时,遇地面信号机显示一个黄色闪光和一个黄 色灯光时,表示要求列车按限速要求{最高不超过( )}越过该信号机。 A.45km/h B.60km/h C.80km/h D.120km/h
[简答题]ZD6系列电动转辙机减速器的输入轴转 周时,外齿轮转一周。
[判断题]《普修规》对于成段钢轨表面伤损深度大于0.5mm,宜采用铣磨车作业。 A.正确 B.错误
[单项选择]导游人员带好团队的关键是带好游客,而带好游客的关键,就是向他们提供周到细致有针对性的全方位服务,这种技能属于( )。 A. 导游人员的自我管理技能 B. 导游人员常规服务的技能 C. 导游人员特殊服务的技能 D. 导游人员协调关系的技能
[单选题]柱上变压器台架工作,若变压器的低压侧无法装设接地线,应采用()措施。 A.禁止工作 B.加强监护 C.拆除引线 D.绝缘遮蔽
[单项选择]尽可能早地发现溢流显示,并迅速控制井口,是做好()工作的关键环节。 A. 一级井控 B. 二级井控 C. 三级井控 D. 四级井控
[单选题]第一产程是从何时算起 A.有不规则宫缩,伴有阴道血性分泌(见红) B.有不规则宫缩,伴有阴道流水 C.有规则宫缩,伴有阴道少量出血 D.有规则宫缩,伴有宫口扩张 E.有规则宫缩,伴有阴道流水
[填空题]Historians are detectives searching out the evidence of the past in their pursuit of history. This is a challenging and frequently engaging quest 1 its own, but evidence must be turned to 2 . Primary sources that are uncovered 3 many forms that vary 4 the questions asked and the period studied, but written records are 5 historians use more than any other. The historian does not 6 evidence in the manner of courts of law, where questions of admissibility and truth versus falsehood are 7 . The historian’’s use of evidence is much more 8 Determining how and with what end 9 mind any piece of evidence came into existence are the first tasks 10 the historian in the internal criticism of historical sources. It is important to know, for instance, who 11 a particular census and with what instructions, or 12 a correspondent was addressing a friend or foe, colleague or opponent.
For many years historians divided evidence into the two 13 of primary and secondary sources. The former were conside A. A.account B.function C.validity D. reference
[单选题]2.338.第338题 室内变电所的每台油量为200kg及以上的变压器,应设在单独的变压器室内,并应设置灭火设施。 A.正确 B.错误
[单项选择]经常调节酸性软水的是() A. 石灰 B. 氢氧化钠 C. 氯化钠 D. 面碱
[多项选择]行政相对人请求保障权利的法律救济途径有()。 A. 行政复议 B. 行政诉讼 C. 行政申诉 D. 舆论监督
[单选题]单选题20 题干.防火分隔设施分为( )。 A.水平防火分区 B.水平分隔设施 C.竖向防火分区
[判断题]急性心肌梗死病人6个月内可以施行择期手术。( )
[单选题]维护规程中规定:机房环境根据温、湿度表征共分为( )类。 A.A-一类 B.B-二类 C.C-三类 D.D-四类
[多项选择]囊虫病的治疗下列哪几项是正确的() A. 吡喹酮是治疗囊虫病最重要的药物,对皮肤肌肉型具有很高疗效 B. 吡喹酮对脑囊虫病亦有较好的疗效,但治疗中或治疗后易出现颅内压增高、癫痫发作加重现象 C. 阿苯咪唑对皮肤肌肉型、脑型也有良效 D. 对脑型采取手术治疗 E. 各型均宜住院治疗
[单选题]电磁波是能量的一种,凡是高于绝对零度的物体,都会释放出电磁波。真正用实验验证电磁波存在的第一位科学家是()。 A.马可尼 B.赫兹 C.麦克斯韦 D.爱因斯坦
[单选题]铁锤正放、直放及斜放的( )图像轮廓特征非常明显,极易识别。 A.锤头 B.锤柄 C.锤身 D.锤子
[多选题]从课程制定者或管理制度角度,可将课程分为( )。 A.国家课程 B.学科课程 C.地方课程 D.研究型课程 E.学校课程
[判断题]7农村合作金融机构非信贷资产风险分类,应收账款分类标准,凡表内应收利息在90天以内的,原则上不高于相对应的主债权五级分类情况。 A.正确 B.错误
[单项选择]Traffic Jams — No End in Sight
1. Traffic congestion affects people throughout the world. Traffic jamscause smog in dozens of cities across both the developed and developing world. In the U.S., commuters to spend an average of a full work week each year sitting in traffic, according to the Texas Transportation Institute. While alternative ways of getting around are available, most people still choose their cars because they are looking for convenience, comfort and privacy.
2. The most promising technique for reducing city traffic is called congestion pricing, whereby cities charge a toll to enter certain parts of town at certain times of day. In theory, if the toll is high enough, some drivers will cancel their trips or go by bus or train. And in practice it seems to work: Singapore, London and Stockholm have reduced traffic and pollution in city centers thanks to congestion pricing.
3. Another way to reduce rush hour traffic is for employers to implement flexitime, which lets emplo
[判断题]对于小型技术开发项目,不必考虑其风险控制问题。 A.正确 B.错误
[简答题]Umar entered into the following two separate contracts with Ramu:
(i) a contract to purchase Ramu’s two-acre plot of land at Cameron Highlands for RM3 million, which reflects its fair market price; and
(ii) a contract to sell to Ramu, his (Umar’s) motorcar, a Toyota Corolla, for RM50,000. The market price of the car is RM55,000.
Subsequently Ramu, without giving any reason, informed Umar that he did not want to sell the land to Umar. Umar then told Ramu, ‘In that case I refuse to sell you my car. I will also sue you for breach of contract.’ Ramu replied that he too would sue Umar for breach of contract if Umar did not sell the motorcar to him as agreed.
Advise Umar regarding,(b) the most likely remedy which the court may order against him (Umar) in favour of Ramu for breach of contract in relation to the sale of the motorcar. (5 marks)
[判断题]被许可人在作出行政许可决定的行政机关管辖区域外违法从事行政许可事项活动的,违法行为发生地的行政机关应当依法将被许可人的违法事实、处理结果抄告作出行政许可决定的行政机关。 A.正确 B.错误
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