(46) It is known that the brain shrinks as the body ages, but the effects on mental ability are different from person to person. Interestingly, in a study of elderly men and women, those who had more education actually had more brain shrinkage.
"That may seem like bad news," said study author Dr. Edward Coffey, a professor of psychiatry and of neurology at Henry Ford Health System in Detroit. (47) However, he explained, the finding suggests that education allows people to withstand more brain tissue loss before their mental functioning begins to break down.
The study, published in the July issue of Neurology, is the first to provide biological evidence to support a concept called the "reserve" hypothesis, according to the researchers. In recent years, investigators have developed the idea that people who are more educated have greater cognitive reserves to draw upon as the brain ages; in essence, they have more brain tissue to spa
When we think of entrepreneurs, most of
us imagine{{U}} (67) {{/U}}, successful, over-achievers like Bill Gates
of Microsoft, Richard Branson of Virgin Airlines, Inc. or Jim Boyle of Columbia
Sportswear, to{{U}} (68) {{/U}}a few contemporary heroes. The{{U}}
(69) {{/U}}is that we often fail to{{U}} (70)
{{/U}}entrepreneurs all around us: the corner grocery store owner, the
family{{U}} (71) {{/U}}who opens a medical{{U}} (72) {{/U}}in
our neighborhood, or the young person who{{U}} (73) {{/U}}the morning
paper.{{U}} (74) {{/U}}is creating business opportunities{{U}} (75)
{{/U}}entrepreneurship, although the{{U}} (76) {{/U}}of
entrepreneurship would be markedly different from each other. According to
Jeffery Timmons, author of "New Venture Creation", there are three{{U}} (77)
{{/U}}components for a successful new{{U}} (78) {{ A. restrain B. distinguishes C. deprive D. characterize [判断题]货件重心越高,其稳定性越差。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]农药生产使用过程中的中毒的主要途径是 ( )
A. 皮肤 B. 呼吸道 C. 消化道 D. 粘膜 [简答题]测试有哪些级别?
[单选题]对进入施工现场的钢筋取样后进行力学性能检测,属于施工质量控制方法中的( )。
A.目测法 B.实测法 C.试验法 D.无损检验法 [单选题]燃烧是一种放热发光的()。
A.化学反应 B.物理反应 C.光电反应 D.分解反应 [填空题]S700K道岔1DQJD的自闭电路中除1DQJ接点外,还有 接点。
[判断题]在城市市区内的建设工程,施工单位应当对施工现场实行封闭围挡。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]驾驶室静态检查标准,主要检查项目,驾驶室通道门,检查内容及要求,检查按钮锁闭良好,口呼标准:( )。
[多选题]贸易融资工具主要有( )。
A.信用证 B.押汇 C.福费延 D.互换 E.期货 [单选题]手机电视业务不能大规模推广的原因是( )。
A.网络资源占有率高、代价昂贵 B.运营手段灵活 C.移动通信网络与电视节目实现互动 D.手机消费终端功能的多元化探索 [判断题]配电线路系指20kV以下配电网中的架空线路、电缆线路及其附属设备等。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]1, 10, 31, 70, 133, ( )
A. 136 B. 186 C. 226 D. 256 [判断题] 犯罪嫌疑人甲在公安机关对其进行讯问时,要求自行书写供述,公安机关应当准许。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]按照我国有关规定,事故现场附近的船舶收到求救信号后应()。
A. 迅速向主管机关报告现场情况及本船名称、呼号和船位 B. 尽力救助遇难人员 C. 服从搜救现场的调度 D. ABC都是 [判断题] 工区应定期检查并试运转发电机能否正常工作,确保日常处于良好状态。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]对于部分房间没有网线布放到位,即部分无信息点(网线口),且介意明线的用户,我们可以推荐哪种方案?
A.光猫无线网络(或智能网关无线网络) B.光猫+普通路由器 C.光猫+POE交换机+面板AP D.光猫+无线电力猫 我来回答: 提交