One day an old man was going to his
home. Just then a stranger (陌生人) stopped him and asked, "Excuse me, how long
will it take me to walk to the next village " The old man studied the stranger quietly, but he didn’t answer. The stranger said Io himself, "This old man is deaf (聋的,不愿听的), and I’ll ask him again." Then he repeated (反复地) his question more loudly. The old man thought (认为,考虑) for a while, but he still didn’t answer. By this time, this stranger got very angry and shouted at him, "I say how long it will take me to the next village." But the old man still didn’t give him any answer. The stranger turned away and began to walk quickly to the village. After watching him for a minute or two, the old man called after him. "My friend, it will take you only fifteen minutes." [单项选择]辅助动力装置驱动的发电机().
A. 具有恒速传动装置 B. 没有恒速传动装置 C. 有的有恒速传动装置,有的没有 D. 都有变频器 [填空题]公变一般在( )发行完毕,专变要求在例日后( )发行。
[单项选择]Louis Armstrong sang, "When you’re smiling, the whole world smiles with you." Romantics everywhere may be surprised to learn that psychological research has proven this sentiment to be true--merely seeing a smile (or a frown, for that matter) will acti- vate the muscles in our face that make that expression, even if we are unaware of it. Now, according to a new study in Psychological Science, simply reading certain words may also have the same effect.
Psychologists Francesco Foroni from VU University Amsterdam and Gun R. Semin from the University of Utrecht conducted two experiments to see if emotion language has an influence on facial muscle activity. In the first experiment, a group of students read a series of emotion verbs (e.g., "to smile," "to cry") and adjectives (e.g., "funny," "frustrating") on a monitor, while the activity of their zygomatic major (the muscle responsible for smiles) and corrugator supercilii (which causes frowns) muscles were measured. The results showed A. Smile and the world will probably smile back at you. B. Emotional verbs are more powerful than emotional adjectives. C. Language is so powerful that it exerts influence on our judgments. D. Language can bridge neurobiological study and behavioral researc [单选题]. 当发动机火警电门释放后,引气和组件活门会关闭吗?
A.. 会。 B.. 不会。 [单选题]针对手机号码/宽带账号下存在宽带或宽带电视包年产品()内到期情况的,在CRM系统中宽带首页“家”按钮增加红色到期气泡表示。
A.1个月 B.2个月 C.3个月 D.6个月 [单项选择]初始地籍调查工作开展时,要指定专人负责资料的()。
A. 输入存档 B. 整理 C. 收集、保管 D. 借阅 我来回答: 提交