This book is written expressly
for students in an attempt to present the material that is most useful and
interesting to them. Previous courses in chemistry are not necessary for the
understanding of the material, although those students who have had high school
chemistry will find that a review of the inorganic section will better enable
them to master the organic and biochemistry sections that follow.
The author has felt that in the past there was an improper selection of material from inorganic, organic, and biochemistry in the majority of the textbooks of chemistry for nurse. The tendency has been to develop the inorganic chemistry to such an extent that organic and biochemistry is covered too briefly. The recent advances in biochemistry and their widespread application to the practice of medicine and nursing have considerably A. vividness of the language B. simplicity in presentation C. adaptability to various needs D. complexity of the plot [多项选择]德沃金的法学著作有()。
A. 《法律的概念》 B. 《道德与立法原理》 C. 《人和国家》 D. 《法律帝国》 E. 《认真对待权利》 [单选题]座板式单人吊具是可沿建筑物立面自上而下移动的()载人作业用具。
A.动力 B.无动力 C.唯一 [判断题]按办理的业务性质不同车站可分为客运站和货运站。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 电网主接线方式大致可分为有备用和无备用两大类;其中放射式、干线式、链式网络属于无备用接线方式,而有备用接线方式有环式和两端供电网络两种。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]两台及以上配电变压器低压侧共用一个接地引下线时,其中任一台配电变压器停电检修,其他配电变压器无须停电。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 咨询者可以在倾听来访者时打断其做出正确判断。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]正常产后第二天,乳房胀痛,无红肿,伴低热。首选的护理措施为
A.用吸奶器吸乳 B.生麦芽煎汤喝 C.少喝汤水 D.让新生儿多吸吮 E.皮硝敷乳房 [多选题]对建筑工程项目设计质量控制和评定的依据是( )。
A.设计纲要和设计合同 B.有关建设工程及质量管理方面的法律、法规 C.项目投资概算 D.有关建设工程的技术标准 E.项目可行性研究报告、项目评估报告及选址报告 [多项选择]下列哪些情况可使肌肉接头以外的乙酰胆碱受体大量增加()
A. 神经脱髓鞘病变 B. 下运动神经元损伤 C. 烧伤病人 D. 贫血病人 E. 感染以致肌纤维失去神经支配时 [单选题]焙烧炉底的块团粉碎器工作温度大约为()度
A.185℃ B.400℃ C.220℃ D.320℃ [多选题]铁总运{2015}108号中规定,对( )车票暂不提供变更到站服务。
A.直达票 B.已改签 C.团体票 D.通票 [多选题]下列关于电扶梯的说法正确的是( )。
A.A、在自动扶梯的运行中,要把钥匙拔出来 B. B、在扶梯踏板上有人时,除发生紧急情况外绝对不能停止 C. C、如电扶梯发生异响,检查梳齿板、踏板等无异物的话便可继续使用 D. D、运营结束以后,要认真检查扶梯踏板、扶手带、梳齿板并将异物清除 [判断题]纵队行进以左翼为基准( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交