Cosmology is sometimes pooh-poohed as
more philosophy than science. It asks deep questions about nature but provides
unsatisfyingly vague answers. The cosmos may be 12 billion years old, but it
could be as much as 15 billion. The stars began to shine 100 million years after
the Big Bang, or maybe it’s a billion. "Our ideas," acknowledges Max Tegmark of
the University of Pennsylvania, "have been kind of wobbly." But much of the wobble has been fixed, thanks to a satellite known as the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe, or WMAP. Since July 2001, WMAP has been orbiting in deep space, more than a million kilometers from Earth, studying the most ancient light in existence. And in a dramatic reminder that important space science is almost always done by machines, not fragile humans, it reported a series of A. WMAP’s findings are quite convincing and he accepted them. B. WMAP will solve all the problems that have puzzled cosmologists. C. WMAP’s findings accord with Einstein’s concept of space-time. D. We may ignore some strange measurements in WMAP’s data. [判断题] 城镇垃圾处理费征期在2021年7月1日以后(含)、所属期为2021年7月1日以前的上述收入,收缴及汇算清缴工作继续由原执收(监缴)单位负责。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]基坑钢筋混凝土支撑爆破施工,下列描述错误的是()。
A.爆破前两天,在工地四周广泛张贴《爆破告示》 B.施工区域内人员、车辆在爆破前20min内全部清理出场,撤至警戒区以外。警戒区道路交通和人流疏散由公安局协助处理 C.爆破警戒范围40m,爆破公司派警戒员对各警戒点进行警戒 D.所有防护设施需在爆破前搭建完毕并由专业爆破单位验收,在爆破期间如有损坏应及时修复 E.略 F.略 [填空题]关于搞陡边坡处施工,下列说法错误的是( )。
A. 偏航报警距离值 B. 报警方位值 C. 速度限制值 D. CPA和TCPA限度值 [简答题]计算题:2008年4月8日,T12次(新空)列车到达北京站,出站口发现沈阳铁通公司李力持沈阳局管内铁通定期票和一张当日当次沈阳北站的软席签证号,应如何处理?
A. 内环境 B. 外环境 C. 正气 D. 邪气 E. 发病 我来回答: 提交