E1 Nino is a disturbance of the world’s
normal climate pattern. During El Nino events, the westerly trade winds become
slower and the warmer water in the western Pacific moves towards South America.
This huge increase in ocean temperatures--as much as eight degrees
centigrade--and the change in atmospheric conditions bring rain to the deserts
of South America and the rainforests of south-east Asia, with drought conditions
throughout eastern and southern Africa. There are many knock-on effects all over
the world. The home of El Nino is Peru. El Nino, "the Christ Child", was first named by Peruvian fishermen one Christmas when they noticed unusual warm currents affecting the Pacific coast of South America. Up and down the country, from desert m highlands, E1 Nino weather phenomena have brought destructive floods, costing £ A. tile El Nino event was the strongest B. it seldom rained there C. the houses couldn’t stand the flood D. E1 Nino was unexpected [单选题]下列哪一种不属于屈光间质?
A.房水 B.虹膜 C.玻璃体 D.晶体 [判断题]车站的调车工作,应按车站技术作业过程和调车作业计划进行。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]拆除杆上导线前,应检查(),做好防止倒杆措施,在挖坑前应先绑好拉绳。
A.卡盘 B.拉线 C.埋深 D.杆根 [判断题]“一国两制”的构想的出发点和前提是采用和平的方式,而不是诉诸武力。因而,解决台湾问题在任何情况下都不能采用非和平的方式。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列的叙述中,错误的一项是( )。
A. 结构化程序是指主要采取顺序、选择、循环等三种基本结构编写的程序 B. 用机器语言编写的程序可由计算机直接执行,用高级语言编写的程序必须经过编译(或解释)才能执行 C. 计算机病毒也是一种程序 D. 解释性语言不必经过解释程序解释也能执行 [单选题]不对称三开道岔:主线为直线,在不同部位用两组转辙器将一条轨道分为( )轨道,两侧不对称分支的道岔。
A.三条 B.一条 C.二条 D.四条 [判断题]列车安全防护预警系统、道口及施工防护设备属于铁路行车安全监测设备。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]If adults liked to read books that were exceedingly difficult, they’ d all be reading Proust. Most don’ t.
So why, reading experts ask, do schools expect children to read — and love to read — when they are given material that is frequently too hard for them Science and social studies textbooks arc at least a grade above the reading levels of many students, experts say, and in some suburban and urban school systems, reading lists can include books hard for some adults to tackle. Toni Morrison’s award-winning novel "Beloved," about a former slave’ s decision to kill her child rather than see her enslaved, is on some middle schools’ lists for kids to read unassisted. And elementary schools sometimes ask students to read books such as "The Bridge to Terabithia," with themes about death and gender roles that librarians say are better suited for older children. To be sure, pushing some students to challenge themselves is important, educators say. But there are points wher A. easy B. difficult C. suitable D. bad [单选题]《安全生产法》中,从业人员发现( )的紧急情况时,有权停止作业或者在采取可能的应急措施后撤离作业场所。
A.直接危及人身安全 B.发生爆炸事故 C.生产事故 D.作业安全 [简答题]等边三角形的三个内角都是多少度?
[填空题]东风4B型机车启动变速箱采用润滑方式是( )。
[单选题]《铁路技术管理规程》(普速铁路部分)中规定,调车作业计划具体传达办法,在《( )》内规定。
A.站细 B.段细 C.行规 D.技规 [简答题]完全信息与不完全信息。
[多选题]列车越站长安通余额不足的票务处理( )。
A.引导乘客到车站票务中心 B.若因列车越站导致,则在BOM上(非付费区)以现金形式收取最小乘车费并更新车票 C.引导乘客从边门出站 D.填写《乘客事务处理表》 E.给乘客发放赠票 [单项选择]关于传统家庭养老,下列表述正确的是()。
A. 承担着抚养儿童和赡养老人及其家庭成员社会风险的功能 B. 它是一种代内之间的互惠交换 C. 工业化以后的西方社会,尽管生产力水平有所提高,家庭仍然是主要的养老方式 D. 主要存在于东方国家,西方国家从未存在这种养老方式 [多选题]以下为五号线目标距离状态条种显示颜色的是( )
A.浅绿 B.蓝色 C.黄色 D.红色 [单项选择]职业道德可采用“守则”、“公约”、“章程”的形式,体现出()。
A. 形式的单一性 B. 形式的规范性 C. 形式的多样性 D. 形式的稳定性 [单项选择]空气压缩机联动开车准备时,下列正确的有()
A. 压缩机出口防喘振阀全关 B. 测量和控制进入反应器的空气流量阀全关 C. 测量和控制进入反应器的空气流量阀的付线阀全开 D. 测量和控制进入反应器的空气流量阀的上、下游阀全开 [单选题] 按照《安徽农村商业银行系统抵债资产管理办法》规定,通过协议抵债方式收取抵债资产的,抵债资产欠缴的税费和取得抵债资产支付的相关税费应当在确定抵债金额时( )。
A.不予扣除 B.予以扣除 C.可以扣除 D.以上都不对 我来回答: 提交