I usually don’t take the subway (地铁) to get to my office, but it’s a good thing I did last Tuesday. I (36) a man sitting opposite me who (37) to be extremely nervous. He was (38) wide-eyed at one of the advertisements (广告) in the car. Then his hands started to (39) . I took my medical bag and (40) to him.
"Well, what (41) seems to be wrong with you" I asked.
He pointed at an advertisement (42) the good qualities of a (43) kind of shin. It (44) :"It will not wilt, shrink, crease, or wrinkle."
"Well, (45) about it"
"I’m going (46) ," he said. "I can read it to myself, but I can’t says it out (47) "
"My dear man," I comforted him, "you can say it. Of course you can. Yon’ re (48) a little nervous. This is just a nervous attack. You must not (49) . You mus
A. interested
B. delighted
C. worded
D. astonished
当用青霉素800000U及链霉素0.5g肌注后30分,病人寒战、高热、头痛、气急,血压11.4/8kPa(86/60mmHg),此时诊断和处理是()The nation’s{{U}} (19) {{/U}}of vaccine for
the impending flu{{U}} (20) {{/U}}took a big hit Thursday when Chiton
Corp. announced it had found tainted doses in its factory. The company said it will hold up shipment of about 50 million shots—about half the supply U.S. health{{U}} (21) {{/U}}had hoped to have on hand this year—while it{{U}} (22) {{/U}}what went wrong and determines whether the vaccine is safe to use. "There’s no product that is going to go into the arms of the American public that will not have been{{U}} (23) {{/U}}to have met the highest standards of{{U}} (24) {{/U}}," chief executive Howard Pien said. Pien said t A. A.continue B.stop C.go D.start [判断题]在串级控制系统中,当把调节阀由气开改为气关或由气关改为气开时,需要同时修改主、副控制器的正反作用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在一个管道项目执行期间,管道分包商建议在不改变进度和成本的前提下升级某种材料,变更得到批准后,应在何处记当前变更()
A. 项目章程 B. 配置管理计划 C. 工作分解结构 D. 质量保证计划 [多项选择]化疗药物甲胺蝶呤损害肾脏时,应采取的措施是()
A. 口服碳酸氢钠 B. 每日输液量≥3000毫升 C. 调节尿PH值≥7.5 D. 血PH值调整至7.5以上 E. 静脉输入四氢叶酸钙 [单选题]一般试镜片箱内三棱镜片度数的范围从( )至10△。
A.0.12△ B.0.25△ C.0.37△ D.0.50△ [多选题]发现有明显震感时,行车相关人员 可视情况采.取加强賺望( )、( )和( )等应急处置措施。
A.限速 B.停运 C.封站 D.退行 E.降弓 [单选题]硫磺:水泥:砂子:石蜡的比例,( )不满足线路螺纹道钉硫磺锚固作业的用料要求。
A.1:0.8:1.3:0.04 B.1:0.4:1.2:0.02 C.1:0.6:1.4:0.03 D.1:0.3:1.1:0.01 [多选题]下列情况应填用变电第一种工作票。( )
A.在高压室遮栏内或与导电部分小于表6-1规定的安全距离进行互感器、电能表、采集终端等及其二次回路的检查试验时,需将高压设备停电者。 B.在高压设备电能表、采集终端等及其二次回路上工作需将高压设备停电或做安全措施者 C.电能计量装置、采集终端在运用中进行装拆、校验、调试操作时不影响一次设备正常运行的工作。 D.对于连接电流互感器或电压互感器二次绕组并装在屏柜上的电能计量装置上的工作,可以不停用一次高压设备或不需做安全措施者。 [单项选择]冯特对心理学最深远的贡献是()。
A. 对感觉元素的描述 B. 建立了作为实验科学的心理学 C. 对神经传导速度的测量 D. 发展了最小觉差的方法 E. 创建了第一个临床心理诊所 [单选题]直流放大器应用中,抑制零点漂移的手段主要有( )。
A.补偿 B.调制(或转化) C.补偿和调制 D.其它说法都不对 [单选题]( )用来控制和调节液压系统中的油压、流量和油以保证液压传动系统各部分获得所要求的协调一致的动作。
A.液压泵 B.液压马达 C.液压缸 D.液压控制阀 [判断题]p-v图与容积功存在关系。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]塔上作业时,必须将安全带固定在铁塔的主体结构上,()固定在天线支撑杆上,严防滑脱。
A. 允许 B. 不准 C. 严格 D. 不得 [多选题]实名制验票的票、证、人不一致情况包括( )
A.拒不提供本人有效身份证件原件 B.查验中票、证、人不一致 C.使用铁路电子客票或者铁路乘车卡 D.人证不一致 [单项选择]According to a research project undertaken by the Open University, competition between nearby schools________.
A. raises the academic standard B. produces good exam results C. lowers the academic standard D. offers students fewer choices to college 我来回答: 提交