Olympic Games are held every four years
at a different site, in which athletes (21) different
nations compete against each other in a (22) of sports.
There are two types of Olympics, the Summer Olympics and the Winter
Olympics. In order to (23) the Olympics, a city must submit a proposal to the International Olympic Committee (IOC). After all proposals have been (24) , the IOC votes. If no city is successful in gaining a majority in the first vote, the city with the fewest votes is eliminated, and voting continues, with (25) rounds, until a majority winner is determined. Typically the Games are awarded several years in advance, (26) the winning city time to prepare for the Games. In selecting the (27) of the Olympic Games, the IOC considers a number of factors, chief among them which city h A. supported B. submitted C. substituted D. subordinated [单选题]个人经济赔偿自单位作出决定起,可由单位财务部门在工资收入中逐月代扣缴,每月不超过个人工资收入的()%。
A.10 B.20 C.30 D.40 [单项选择]韩某在向张某催要赌债无果的情况下,纠集好友把张某挟持至韩家,并给张家打电话,声称如果再不还钱,就砍掉张某一只手。韩某的作为( )。
A. 构成非法拘禁罪 B. 构成绑架罪 C. 构成非法拘禁罪和绑架罪的想象竞合犯 D. 构成敲诈勒索罪 [单选题]屈髋关节的肌是( )
A.股四头肌 B.股二头肌 C.缝匠肌 D.髂腰肌 E.臀大肌 [多项选择]银行对贷款项目基本情况评价的内容包括()。
A. 投资收益分析 B. 盈利能力分析 C. 项目建设的必要性 D. 项目建设合法性分析 E. 同类竞争项目的比较 [单选题] 灭弧系统用来迅速熄灭( )在分断电路时所产生的电弧。
A.主触头 B.常开联锁 C.常闭连锁 D.不确定 [单项选择]枢椎独有的特点是()
A. 肋凹 B. 横突孔 C. 棘突直伸向后 D. 前弓和后弓 E. 齿突 [多选题]在对档案进行具体鉴定时,档案价值的决定因素可分解为( )。
A.文件的形成环境 B.文件本身的特性 C.文件的完整程度 D.文件的作用及社会需求 [单选题]PDCA解决问题,标准化和进一步推广目的( )
A.持续改进,在类似区域内推广,分享知识和方法。 B.持续改进,在厂内推广,分享知识和方法 C.在类似区域内推广,分享知识和方法 [多选题]地铁普通储值卡办理设备退票的条件()。
A.卡面完好 B.卡面回收 C.芯片可读 D.余额无欠费 E.BOM 界面分析结果为“无分析错误” [多项选择]()可以视为固定收益类资产。
A. 国债 B. 公司债券 C. 普通股股票 D. 国际债券 E. 银行存款 我来回答: 提交