The International Whaling Commission’s (IWC) decision to retain its ban on whaling does not mean that the killings will stop. Quite the (1) .
Save the Whale. It’s a phrase which became annoying with (2) , an unfavorable shorthand for liberal consciences. How appalling, then, that in the year 2010, it should be pressed (3) service again, to fight the whaling nations: Norway and Iceland, who exempted themselves from the 1986 prohibition (4) by the IWC, and Japan, which hunts whales under cover of " (5) research".
I am completely (6) by this week’s events in Morocco, where talks broke down. In my heart, I agree with those who have (7) the news that this year’s negotiations of the IWC have broken up, and (8) the prohibition would not be lifted (as the US proposed in a desperate (9) to break the deadlock). Yet reason (10) something else. If we do not
A. convinced
B. surprised
C. moved
D. torn
Personality comes from the Latin word
"persona" which means "mask". Thus, it can be said that personality is a ’ mask’
a person wears to face the world. No two persons are identical in terms of
personality. A person’s tastes and ideas add to the colors of his or her
personality. Effectively, personality is the outward reflection of a person’s
inner self. If John is a person who likes to give to the less fortunate, people
will remember him as a kind person. In a sense, personality is the colors of a
person. In the normal walk of life, we come across people who are more popular than others. Popularity is a subjective phenomenon and many a sociologist is still trying to figure out what makes for popularity. A person with a bright personality is usually more popular than a person with a dull personality, right Beautiful people are usually more popular A. be more open and active B. learn how to handle social affairs C. change yourself in all the ways D. make a good understanding of your personality [单选题]某护士不慎将开水溅在足背上,局部灼痛感,皮肤潮红、无水疱。立即用冷毛巾行局部冷敷。其主要作用是 ( )
A.降低神经末梢兴奋性,减轻疼痛 B.使局部血管收缩,减少渗出 C.通过传导使局部散热 D.防止感染 E.增加局部代谢,加速愈合过程 [多选题]耽误列车是指( )。(应知应会-《事规》附件第15条)
A.列车在区间内停车 B.列车停运、合并、保留 C.列车在始发站或停车站晚开、在运行过程中超过图定的时间(局管内)或调度员指定的时间 D.通过列车在站内停车 [单项选择]有关法洛四联征下述哪项正确
A. 属于大血管转位的发育畸形 B. 存在第三心室时不能诊断法洛四联征 C. 存在假性共干时不能诊断法洛四联征 D. 若存在一侧肺动脉缺如,右侧多见 E. 右心室壁多比左心室壁厚 [单项选择]以乳头血性溢液为主,而肿块不易触及的疾病是()。
A. 急性乳房炎 B. 乳房脂肪瘤 C. 乳房囊性增生病 D. 乳房纤维腺瘤 E. 乳管内乳头状瘤 [判断题]借款人在本行办理个人工薪贷款要在本行开立帐户。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]为了泵的正常运行,泵的最少流量不能低于铭牌标示流量的( )%。
A.25 B.40 C.60 D.30 [判断题]标识标牌版面发生翘边、脱胶面积大于版面面积约为10%且无法进行修复时,应立即进行更换。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]非连续进行的事故修复工作,应使用( )。
A.工作票 B.事故紧急抢修单 C.施工作业票 D.工作任务单 [简答题]
知识点: [判断题] 沿导、地线上悬挂的软、硬梯或飞车进入强电场的作业在瓷横担线路上禁止挂梯作业在转动横担的线路上挂梯前应将横担固定。( ) (1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]呼吸性酸中毒首要地治疗措施是
A.使用碱性药物 B.抗感染 C.改善通气功能 D.吸氧 E.高压氧 [单选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》,厂站内多天工作,且每天间断时,应清理现场,办理()手续并将工作票交回工作许可人持存;复工时,应由工作负责人和工作许可人办理( )手续
A.工作延期、延期中断 B.工作间断、工作许可 C.工作终结、工作许可 D.工作许可、延期中断 [单项选择]甲企业2010年1月份发生如下支出:
(1)预付租赁仓库租金,全年共12000元; (2)支付去年第四季度水电费2000元; (3)购买办公用具800元; (4)预付本月应承担的短期借款利息1500元。 按照权责发生制确认本月的费用数额为()。 A. 3 300元 B. 12 800元 C. 3 800元 D. 14 300元 [单选题]联合国第37届会议批准的“老龄问题国际行动计划”是在
A.1992年 B.1952年 C.1972年 D.1982年 [单项选择]
Section Ⅰ Use of English Directions: Read the following text, Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. Humans not only love eating ice cream, they enjoy (1) it to their pets. Market studies show that two thirds of all dog owners give ice cream to the dogs. (2) , says William Tyznik, an expert in animal nutrition at Ohio State University, ice cream is not good for dogs. "It has milk sugar in it," he says, "which dogs cannot (3) very well." (4) by that knowledge but aware of the desire of dog owners to (5) their companions, Tyznik invented a new frozen treat for dogs that, he says, is more nutritious than ice cream--and as much (6) to eat. The product, called Frosty Paws, is made of a liquid byproduct of cheese and milk with the sugar (7) . Frosty Paws also contains refined soy flour, water, vegetable oil, vitamins and minerals. It (8) Tyznik [单选题]下列选项中,银行不应该提供长期融资的是( )。
A.固定资产重置或扩张 B.季节性销售增长 C.长期投资 D.发展迅速的公司运营周期发生长期性变化 [判断题]27.5kV接触网合架低压线路停电作业,严禁从邻近带电的接触网外侧上下支柱。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]浅孔爆破的盲炮,经检在确认( )完好时,可重新起爆。
[判断题]限时电流速断保护动作电流应与下一段相邻线路定时限过电流保护的动作电流整定配合。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]设有数组定义:int a[]={11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99};则执行下列几个语句后的输出结果是______。
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