26-meter-tall Yao Ming made his NBA debut (初资登台) on
October 23, 2002 and got 6 points (得分) for the Houston Rockets in the game.
The next day, he got 13 points in another game. Most people think that Yao Ming is a born basketball player. But Yao said, "When you watch it*on TV, it looks very easy. But when you are playing in the NBA, it is really not so easy. ’ He said that joining the Houston Rockets was a new start and a new challenge. "I hope that through very hard work, I can make everyone happy and help the Rockets win more games," he said. Yao Ming speaks some English. Both he and his teammates can understand each other. They don’t think there is a language problem. While Yao Ming faces this new challenge, the people of Houston have shown great interest in him and they hope Yao Ming faces this new challenge, the people o A. will work hard for his team B. made the highest score in his first NBA game C. can’t understand his teammates D. teaches the Rockets workers Chinese himself [单项选择]顶底复合吹炼钢液中的残锰量和顶吹转炉相比()。
A. 高些 B. 低些 C. 相同 D. 无法比较 [多选题]下面关于对供电服务人员行为举止规范要求叙述不准确的是( )。
A.A.站立时,双手交叠自然下垂,双脚并拢,脚跟相靠,脚尖微开,不得双手抱胸、叉腰。 B.B.坐下时,上身自然挺直,两肩平衡放松,后背与椅背不得留有间隙,不用手托腮或趴在工作台上,不抖动腿和翘二郎腿。 C.C.走路时,步幅适当,节奏适宜,不奔跑追逐,不边走边大声谈笑喧哗。 D.D.避免在客户面前打哈欠、打喷嚏,难以控制时,应侧面回避,并向对方致歉。 [单项选择]茯苓现代用于治疗()
A. 支气管哮喘 B. 感染性休克 C. 高脂血症 D. 冠心病心绞痛 E. 精神分裂症 [判断题]生产经营单位的安全生产管理机构以及安全生产管理人员应组织或者参与本单位安全生产教育和培训,如实记录安全生产教育和培训情况。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]We were unable to reach a decision because we felt that the speaker had been ______ and had avoided answering many of our questions.
A. noncommital B. practical C. contentious D. unprepared [单选题]要做到遵纪守法,对每个职工来说,必须做到( )。 ( )
A.有法可依 B.反对“管“、“卡”、“压” C.反对自由主义 D.努力学法,知法、守法、用法 [单项选择]患儿自汗,头、肩、背出汗明显,活动后加重,易感冒,神倦乏力,面色少华,四肢欠温,舌淡苔薄,脉弱。其治法是()
A. 调和营卫 B. 益气固表 C. 益气养阴 D. 益气敛汗 E. 敛汗潜阳 [多选题]负责新闻宣传和信息发布(披露)的相关工作机构必须对拟发布或披露的信息进行审核把关,遵循“______”的原则,防止泄露农业银行涉密信息。
A. 谁公开,谁审查 B. 谁审查,谁负责 C. 先审查,后公开 D. 使用人责任 [判断题]为便于操作和保证背面焊道的质量,打底焊时,应使用较小的焊接电流。
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]资料:Native ads - or ads that take on the look and feel of the content surrounding them - are taking over digital advertising.
By 2021, native display ad revenue in the US, which includes native in-feed ads on publisher properties and social platforms, will make up 74% of total US display ad revenue, up from a 56% share in 2016, according to new BI Intelligence estimates based off historical data from the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IA
B) and PwC, as well as IHS.
The rapid uptick in native's share of display ad revenue can largely be attributed to the dominance of social platforms like Facebook and Twitter — which were early champions of native and rely almost entirely on native formats — as well as the introduction of new programmatic technologies that are making it easier for publishers and advertisers to scale native campaigns.
In a new report from BI Intelligence, we breaks out native ads into three categories: social native, native-style display, and sponsored content (also referred to as premium native). We provide(一审未录入) forecasts for how revenues from these formats will grow over the next five years and looks at what factors, in particular, are driving up spending on each of these ad units. As a note, because revenues from these three types of native content can overlap, we do not provide an overall native forecast. Finally, we lay out some of the challenges that face properties that rely on native ads, namely ad frequency and Scalability issues.
Here are some key takeaways from the report:
Native-display ads, including social native and native ads in-feed on publisher websites, will make up the bulk of native ad revenue from 2016-2021. Native display ad revenue in the US will rise at a five-year compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17% during this time period to eclipse $36 billion. The rise of native video ads, particularly on social platforms, will be one of the main drivers of this growth.
According to the passage, which of the following will NOT be included in the new report from BI Intelligence?
A.An overall native forecast. B.Ad frequency and scalability issues. C.The forecasts for how revenues from these formats will grow over the next five years. D.The illustrations of what factors are driving up spending on each of these ad units. [单项选择]在汽车式起重机行驶转向系统中,()转向器有两级传动副,第一级传动副是转向螺杆螺母传动副,第二级是齿条齿扇传动副。
A. 全液压式 B. 液压助力式 C. 齿轮齿条式 D. 循环球—齿条齿扇式 [单选题]2V系列蓄电池在浮充状态下,同组各单体蓄电池间电压差不应大于( )。
A.20mV B.90mV C.100mV D.200mV [判断题]一般普通钢中含硫量不大于0.1%。
A. 觅食反射 B. 拥抱反射 C. 握持反射 D. 交叉伸腿反射 E. 腹壁反射 [单选题]某女士,28岁,因患系统性红斑狼疮两次住院。本次住院面部红斑明显,有少许鳞屑,尿常规阴性,肾功能正常,血抗核抗体阳性,抗双链DNA抗体阳性。治疗本病的主要药物是
A.糖皮质激素 B.乙酸水杨酸 C.布洛芬 D.免疫抑制剂 E.苯妥英钠 [单选题]在招标投标过程中,投标人发生合并、分立、破产等重大变化的,应当( )。
A.撤回投标 B.提高投标保证金额 C.撤销投标 D.及时书面告知招标人 [多选题]2A 一级修车轮剥离维修限度()。
A.一处长度≤20mm B.一处长度≤30mm C.两处长度每处≤10mm D.两处长度每处≤5mm [单项选择]鉴别类白血病反应与慢性粒细胞白血病,下列选项中错误的是:()
A. 前者白细胞少有超过150×109/L B. 前者中性粒细胞常有中毒性颗粒 C. 前者外周血嗜碱性粒细胞不增多 D. 前者中性粒细胞碱性磷酸酶积分低 E. 前者Ph染色体阴性 [判断题]钢丝绳的钢丝磨损或腐蚀达到钢丝绳实际直径比其公称直径减少5%或更多者应报废。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]任何单位和个人不得( )干预电网调度,不得干预调度指令的发布和执行。
A. A.强行 B.B.非法 C.C.变相 D.D.违规 [单项选择]梅氏位(Mayer)摄影,中心线应向足侧倾斜()
A. 15° B. 25° C. 35° D. 37° E. 45° [单项选择]发绀的决定性因素是()
A. 血压过低 B. 心功能衰竭 C. 红细胞数量 D. 血液中还原血红蛋白的绝对量 E. 心脏由右向左分流 [单选题]轨道静态几何不平顺容许偏差管理值中,临时补修管理值为应及时进行轨道整修的( )标准。
A.质量管理 B.质量检查 C.质量控制 [填空题]海顿所确立的管弦乐队编制为:海顿采用()乐队;划分()乐组(以弦乐四重奏的四个声部为基础),木管(长笛、双簧管、单簧管、大管各两支),铜管(圆号、小号各两支)三个乐器组,以及定音鼓和其他打击乐器。
A. 10 B. 15 C. 20 D. 30 [简答题]某办公楼,十层,建筑高度36m,每层建筑面积1500㎡。问:该建筑属几类高层建筑?该建筑内部顶棚、墙面、地面的装修材料的燃烧性能等级应符合怎样的规定(不考虑降低一级的情况)?
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]建筑工程开工建设前,建设.勘察.设计.施工.监理单位法定代表人应当签署( ),明确本单位项目负责人。
A.责任书 B.授权书 C.委托书 D.聘用书 [单项选择]从一般机械设备电器修理质量标准方面判断,( )不属于外观质量。
A. 所有电器设备应外表清洁,安装稳固,易于拆卸、修理和调整 B. 所有电气设备、元器件应按图样要求配备齐全 C. 机床电气设备应有可靠的接地线,其截面积应与相线截面积相同或不小于4mm2 D. 电线管应整齐 [单项选择]受肌皮神经支支配的肌是()
A. 三角肌 B. 肱二头肌 C. 肱三头肌 D. 肱桡肌 [多选题]纯净的SF6气体( )。
A.无色 B.无味 C.对人体没有毒性 D.不燃 我来回答: 提交