[A] Productivity growth juddered to a halt in 2000 as the economy turned sharply down. The recession in 2001 was the mildest on record, but the slowdown was sudden and sharp after the rapid economic expansion of the late 1990s. What has got Mr. Greenspan and his colleagues scratching their heads is the rapid pick up in productivity in the last 12 months.
[B] Trying to understand why the numbers are so big could help determine whether productivity will continue to grow at this pace. Will the miracle be sustained Or is it a mirage in which the gains will be reversed
[C] As the Fed chairman pointed out, this might not be all that unexpected if the economy had been recovering rapidly. Economies often grow quite quickly after recessions, and output per hour also grows rapidly. But after a brief spurt in the first quarter of this year, America’s economy has been expanding sluggishly--so sluggishly that some economists still worry about a double - dip recession.
A library to Last Forever "The fundamental reasons why the electric car has not attained the popularity it deserves are the failure of the manufacturers to properly educate the general public regarding the wonderful utility of the electric; the failure of ’power companies’ to make it easy to own and operate the electric by an adequate distribution of charging and boosting stations. " This quotation would hardly surprise anyone who follows electric vehicles. But it may [单选题]隔离开关操作人员需参加供电部门定期培训,考试合格并取得( )方可作业。
A.高速铁路岗位培训合格证 B.隔离开关操作证 C.岗位资格证 D.职业技能鉴定证书 [单选题]大环内酯类抗生素不包括( )
A.红霉素 B.阿奇霉素 C.罗红霉素 D.克林霉素 [多选题]“慎重的手术确定”这一医德规范要求医务人员做到
A.对手术治疗与保守治疗之间进行权衡 B.对创伤代价与治疗效果之间进行权衡 C.介绍和解释手术的各种情况 D.介绍和解释非手术的各种情况 E.认真签定协议 [名词解释]逆压电效应
A.模仿 B.习惯化 C.准确 D.连贯 [单项选择]散剂、颗粒剂由于药物吸湿后又逐渐干燥并最终失效,原因是()。
A. 溶解度的改变 B. 潮解 C. 液化 D. 结块 [单项选择]带式冷却机与烧结机面积之比一般为()。
A. 0.8-1.0 B. 1.1-1.5 C. 1.6-2.0 [多选题]下列不能加热的玻璃器皿是(____)。
A.A 锥形瓶 B.B 试管 C.C 称量瓶 D.D 燃烧皿 E.E 量筒 F.F 滴定管 [简答题]运营指挥机构组成?
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