September 11th 2001 drew the
transatlantic alliance together; but the mood did not last, and over the five
years since it has pulled ever further apart. A recent poll for the German
Marshall Fund shows that 57% of Europeans regard American leadership in world
affairs as "undesirable". The Iraq war is mainly to blame. But there is another
and more intractable reason for the growing division: God. Europeans worry that American foreign policy under George Bush is too influenced by religion. The "holy warriors" who hijacked the planes on September 11th reintroduced God into international affairs in the most dramatic of ways. It seems that George Bush i A. America’s foreign policy seems strongly influenced by religion. But that influence is much more complex than its critics suppose. B. In the world of good and evil American foreign policy is bound to be fruitless. C. The growing disparity which is created by God has been existing. But the gulf of the transatlantic alliance will be bridged. D. Religious figures have made some pretty outrageous things that could be com- promised by means non-violent means. [单选题]邓小平同志指出,“改革也是一场革命。”这是指( )
A. 改革是社会形态的质变 B. 改革是社会制度的深刻变革 C. 改革是解决所有社会矛盾的唯一途径 D. 改革是社会制度的质变 [单选题]患者,男性,65岁,以往有劳力型心绞痛,长期服用抗心绞痛药物,病情尚稳定,近半月胸痛频繁发作,位于胸骨中下段,且多发生在平卧后,服硝酸甘油无效,起床站立后可缓解。有胆结石病史。为了进一步明确诊断应做下列哪项检查
A.头低脚高位钡餐检查 B.心电图平板运动试验 C.口服胆囊造影 D.冠状动脉造影 E.核素心肌显像 [判断题]一七泡沫系统省泡沫,比常规泡沫省5倍。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列不属于员工持股计划具有的特点的是( )。
A.持股人必须是本企业的工作员工 B.认购者必须是本企业的工作员工 C.员工所认购的股份在转让方面受到限制 D.员工所认购的股份在交易方面不受限制 [多选题]斜坡堤结构的主要优点有( )。
A.结构简单 B.结构整体性好 C.对地基适应性强 D.破坏后易于修复 E.造价较低 [多选题]消防救援队伍始终坚持在( )中,站稳人民立场,落实为民要求,维护人民利益,给人民以希望和力量。( )
A.每一个灾难现场 B.每一个危急时刻 C.每一次监督执法 D.每一次安保执勤 [单选题][T]BF002 2 1 2
A.车削 B.立式 C.卧式 D.镗床[T/] [多选题]下列说法正确的是()
A.营业机构对整存整取储蓄存款实行利随本清的方式,采用积数计息法 B.存款人申请全部提前支取其整存整取储蓄存款的,按开户日挂牌公告的活 期存款利率计付利息 C.存款人逾期支取未设定自动转存的整存整取储蓄存款,超过 原存期的部分,按支取日挂牌公告的活期存款利率计付利息 D.整存整取储蓄存款未到期前,存款人均可凭有效身份证件和 存款凭证申请设定自动转存 [单项选择]涡静脉收集()
A. 视网膜的血液 B. 巩膜的血液 C. 全部葡萄膜的血液 D. 部分虹膜睫状体和全部脉络膜的血液 E. 虹膜睫状体和巩膜的血液 [判断题]( )编组站可分为路网性编组站、区域性编组站、地方性编组站三类。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交