Very early in the morning, before
daybreak for the greater part of the year, the men would throw on their clothes,
breakfast on bread and fat, snatch the dinner baskets which had been packed for
them overnight, and hurry off across the fields to the farm. Getting the boys
off was a more difficult matter. Mothers would have to call and shake and
sometimes pull boys of eleven or twelve out of their warm beds in a winter
morning. Most of the young and those in the prime of life were thickset, red-faced men of good medium height and enormous strength, who prided themselves on the weights they could carry and boasted of never having had an ache nor a pain in their lives. The elders stooped, had gnarled and swollen hands and, walked badly, for they felt the effects of a life spent out of doors in all weathers and of the rheumati A. it was going out of fashion with their parents B. it was difficult for the younger people to understand them C. it is still spoken by the local people today D. it is not spoken by all the local people today [多选题] 不属于临床死亡期特点的是( )?
A.呼吸停止 B.心跳停止 C.瞳孔缩小 D.各种反射消失 E.出现尸冷 [判断题]( )依法应当经消防机构进行消防设计审核的建设工程,未经依法审核或者审核不合格的,负责审批该工程施工许可的部门不得给予施工许可。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]起重臂不应跨越带电设备或线路进行作业。在临近10kV带电体处吊装作业时,起重机臂架、吊具、辅具、钢丝绳及吊物等与带电体的净空距离不得小于3米。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]银行借款这种筹资方式有哪些优缺点
依次填入画横线部分最恰当的一项是______。 A. 避免 喷洒 简单 B. 防止 喷溅 随便 C. 制止 喷射 顺便 D. 防范 喷撒 勉强 [判断题]企业取得符合条件的环境保护所得,自获利年度起,第一年至第三年免征企业所得税,第四年至第六年减半征收企业所得税。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]环境污染物按其性质可分为()
A. 工业性、农业性和生活性污染 B. 生产性、生活性和交通性污染 C. 化学性、物理性和生物性污染 D. 生活性、实验性和医源性污染 E. 农业性、生物性和化学性污染 [简答题]1. 提出建议;
2. 阐明你的理由;
3. 应该注意问题;
{{B}}A Letter of Suggestion{{/B}}
[单选题]1987 年召开的党的十三大第一次比较系统地论述了( )。
A.社会主义商品经济理论 B.社会主义初级阶段理论 C.社会主义市场经济理论 D.有中国特色社会主义理论 [单选题]CRH380B(L)受电弓上臂橡胶止挡检查联控司机室作业人员将受电弓升起,检查上臂橡胶止挡,不得有明显损伤,若出现明显损伤,需( )。
A.跟踪观察 B.查明原因 C.立即更换 D.修补 我来回答: 提交