Sleep{{/B}} For millions of years before the appearance of the electric light, shift work, all-night cable TV and the Internet, Earth’s creatures evolved on a planet with predictable and reassuring 24-hour rhythms. Our biological clocks are set for this daily cycle. Simply put, our bodies want to sleep at night and be awake during the day. Most women and men need between eight and eight and a halfhours of sleep a night to function properly throughout their lives. (Contrary to popular belief, humans don’t need less sleep as they age.) But in average, Americans sleep only about seven and a half hours per night, a marked drop from the nine hours they averaged in 1910. What’s worse, nearly one third of all Americans get less than six hours of sleep on a typical work night. For most people, that A. other diseases B. pre-bedtime exercises C. improper sleep D. chronic fatigue syndrome [多选题]本次出警任务中,你在积极进行劝说的同时,要做好:(多选)
A.疏散围观群众 B.暗示同事做好救援措施 C.找人社部门有关人员提出解决办法 D.联系小林的女友或者家人来现场劝导 [单选题]单选题:下列哪项不属于公交接驳现场处置中值班站长的处置措施( )。
A.确认本站列车服务已中断,做好公交接驳准备,告之乘客退票的相关事宜,并做好解释工作 B.安排工作人员在出入口“地铁应急接驳点”设置救援旗帜,在站内设置引导指示牌 C.安排安检员关闭安检机,引导乘客到出入口乘坐接驳公交车 D.安排工作人员在接驳公交车到来后组织乘客有序乘车,直至公交接驳结束 [单项选择]劉備曾經「三顧茅廬」,請問茅廬是何人的居所?()
A. 郭嘉 B. 孔明 C. 周瑜 D. 荀彧。 [判断题]本公司的氨水罐属于常压罐。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]发行企业选择目标市场营销策略主要有哪三种?
[单项选择]I caught a _________ of the name of the book before she put it into the drawer.
A. glimpse B. glance C. sight D. stare [配伍题]可观察到肠系膜上动脉压迹的是( )|可观察到胰头病变的是( )
A. 十二指肠肠圈 B. 十二指肠降部 C. 十二指肠水平部 D. 十二指肠升部 E. 十二指肠球部 [简答题]打印内容需客户签章确认的业务,客户提前签章的,给予直接责任人经济处罚100-500元。( )
A.A低压侧两相熔断器断 B.B低压侧一相熔丝断 C.C高压侧一相熔丝断 D.D高压侧两相熔丝断 E.略 F.略 [判断题]冬季要穿戴防寒劳动用品上班,但棉帽可以捂住双耳。()
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交