In considering how the American family
is changing, the starting point is the traditional family, a form which has
developed over time on the basis of a number of assumptions. It is assumed that
the family is heterosexual (异性的) institution, with prescriptions about how a man
and a woman ought to be joined together and live together. The proper family
form is assumed to be the nuclear family, that is, a family composed of a
married man and woman and their children. It is assumed that the husband is the
head of the family, with ultimate authority over wife and children, and that in
their clearly separated roles the husband is the income-earner and the wife is
the homemaker and provider of child care. It is assumed that the family lives by
itself in its own house or residence. Observers of family life have suggested that numerous A. become the most obvious trend of all B. follow established patterns C. represent a sharp break with traditions D. be the most harmful to society [多选题]心肺脑复苏中的BLS包括A.保持气道畅通 B.人工呼吸 C.建立人工循环D.开放气道与通气支持 E.机械辅助通气
A.保持气道畅通 B.人工呼吸 C.建立人工循环 D.开放气道与通气支持 E.机械辅助通气 [单项选择]装卸集装箱内有卷钢物品的集装箱时,司机要()。
A. 执行好“二次停钩”,钩底闪人闪车 B. 快 C. 无所谓 D. 吊具起升到最高 [单选题]部件移动时的运动精度是()单项精度的反映。
A.组件 B.部件 C.基础零件 D.主轴 [单选题]电话下达包括电话直接下达和电话间接下达。电话下达时,工作许可人(包括各级许可人)及()应相互确认许可内容无误后,双方互为代签名。
A.签发人 B.会签人 C.值班负责人 D.工作负责人 [单选题]关于影响能量代谢的因素,描述错误的是( )。
A.肌肉活动对能量代谢的影响最显著 B.精神活动对能量代谢没有影响 C.食物特殊动力效应中蛋白质类食物的特殊动力学效应最大 D.在20℃~30℃的环境中,能量代谢最为稳定 [判断题]高炉内锰的各级氧化物的还原都要比铁的各级氧化物的还原困难,特别是MnO比FeO更难还原。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]禁止在铁路线路上行走、坐卧。对在铁路( )行走、坐卧的,铁路职工有权制止。
A.路堑上 B.路旁上 C.线路上 D.路肩上 [单项选择]行于脉内的气是()
A. 卫气 B. 营气 C. 宗气 D. 元气 E. 心气 [判断题]开启高压电缆分支箱(室)门应两人进行,应验明电缆设备确无电压方可接触。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题] The part of the environmental movement that draws my firm’’s attention is the design of cities, buildings and products. When we designed America’’s first so-called "green" office building in New York two decades (71)______, we felt very alone. But today, thousands of people come to green building conferences, and the (72)______ that buildings can be good for people and the environment will be increasingly influential in years to (73)______.
Back in 1984 we discovered that most manufactured products for decoration weren’’t designed for (74)______ use. The "energy-efficient" sealed commercial buildings constructed after the 1970s energy crisis (75)______ indoor air quality problems caused by materials such as paint, wall covering and carpet. So for 20 years, we’’ve been focusing on these materials (76)______ to the molecules, looking for ways to make them (77)______ for people and the planet.
Home builders can now use materials-such as paints that release significantly (78)______
A. A.back C.down D.near [单选题] 桥、门式起重机一级保养中对钢丝绳保养的技术要求是:用钢丝绳麻心脂加温到( )浸涂至饱和,或者用合成石墨钙基润滑脂或其它钢丝绳润滑脂不加热涂抹。
A.80~100℃ B.90~100℃ C.80~90℃ D.85~95℃ [多选题]车站出入口要做到“三无二洁”,其中“三无”是指站外台阶( )。
A.无烟头 B. 无纸屑 C. 无垃圾 D. 无痰渍 [单项选择]锚杆静压桩施工时桩的反力来自于( )。
A. 千斤顶来自 B. 锚杆支架 C. 锚杆 D. 加固部分的结构自重 [判断题]化学清洗废液不得随意排入地沟。
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]胶粘鞋
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]低合金耐低温钢属于()低温钢。
A. 铁素体 B. 奥氏体 C. 珠光体 D. 马氏体 [单选题]【单选题】下列哪项不属于锅炉π形布置的优点?( )
A.占地面积小 B.受热面布置方便 C.易于吹灰 D.安装起吊方便 [多选题]安全监控系统必须具有( )功能。
A.馈电状态监测 B.撤人 C.断电 D.报警 [多项选择]红色旅游应弘扬在革命战争时期形成的()、太行精神、红岩精神和西柏坡精神等。
A. 井冈山精神 B. 铁人精神 C. 长征精神 D. “两弹一星”精神 E. 延安精神 [单项选择]下列不属于基础传输通信业务的是()
A. SDH B. MSTP C. 互联网接入 D. PDH [多选题]火灾可分为( )类。
A.A.指可燃固体 B.B.为可燃液体 C.C.为可燃气体 D.D.为轻金属 [单选题]《安全生产事故隐患排查治理暂行规定》,对于一般事故隐患,由生产经营单位()负责人或者有关人员立即组织整改。
A.部门 B.车间 C.分厂 D.车间、分厂、区队等 [多选题]施工单位必须严格执行“三人五簿”制,其中三人指( )
A.施工负责人 B.施工安全包保人 C.安全质量监督人 D.防护人员 [单项选择]卧式铣床悬架的作用是安装支架()
A. 安装铣刀架 B. 支持铣刀杆 C. 紧固铣刀杆 [填空题]矿物抵抗刻划、研磨的能力称为矿物的()。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
The history of the American people is, (76) , the history of the movement of the American people. They moved from the colonies of the East Coast to the open space of the (77) . They moved from the country and the farm to the city. (78) , Americans have been moving from the cities to the suburbs. A. towns B. factories C. mines D. farms [不定项选择题]A.胃气上逆证
A.肝气上逆证 B.肺气上逆证 C.肝胃不和证 D.肝郁脾虚证 E.咳嗽、咳喘属于( ) [单选题]入水救援人员必须穿着消防员专业( )、采取安全绳固定保护,必须具备游泳技能。
A.战斗服 B.防化服 C.救生衣 D.防护装备 [多选题]开幕词通常由()几部分组成。
A.标题 B.称谓 C.正文 D.抒情 [单选题]CPU的指令系统又称为( )。
A. 汇编语言 B. 机器语言 C. 程序设计语言 D. 符号语言 [简答题]问题同上
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