Landslides happen when large amounts of rock, mud
and other loose materials are suddenly uprooted and sent sliding down a slope.
This might be caused by an earthquake or it might happen after a heavy rain or
when soil becomes waterlogged after a fall of snow. As the material loses its grip and begins to move down the slope it gathers speed and sweeps up more material with devastating results. Nepal suffers from frequent landslides because the hillsides have been stripped of trees. When it rains the water soaks into the soil and this slides down the mountainside. The worst landslide in Wales’ history came about with the collapse of an artificial mountain on 21 October 1966. A 250-metre high mountain of waste material from the local coal mine had been piled up outside the village of Aberfan. Two million tons of ro A. When large amounts of rock, mud and other loose materials are suddenly uprooted and sent sliding down a slope. B. This might be caused by an earthquake or it might happen after a heavy rain or when soil becomes waterlogged after a fall of snow. C. This might be caused by forest fire. D. The hillsides have been stripped of trees which are rooted on them. [单项选择]下列哪个文献的类型是属于零次文献?()
A. 书信 B. 年鉴 C. 期刊论文 D. 进展 [判断题]没有绑定EIP的虑拟机可以通过配置自定义路由,实现访问外网。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]应急救援预案要有权威性,各级应急救援组织应( ),通力协作。
A. 职务明确 B. 职责明确 C. 统一行动 [单选题]交流高压真空接触器由()实现分闸.
A.弹簧储能操动机构 B.分闸弹簧 C.手动操动机构 [单选题]因特殊情况不能按计划安排施工时,施工主体部门应在施工开始(____)申明取消施工,并通知配合部门。
A.A、3小时前 B.B、2小时前 C.C、1小时前 D. D、0.5小时前 [多选题]、现场救护的基本技能有( )。
A.止血 B.喊叫 C.固定 D.包扎 [简答题]根据《国网营销部关于印发用电信息采集故障现象甄别和处置手册的通知》(营销计量[2015]33号),简述III型专变采集终端的现场调试步骤?
[单选题]绝缘子或套管等表面有损伤或毛刺会引起沿面电阻分布不均匀,使电场强度分布不均匀,电场强的地方首先放电,从而使整个绝缘表面的沿面放电电压( )。
A.升高 B.降低 C.不变 [多项选择]工程项目发包交付的传统模式的优点包括()。
A. 业主、设计师和承包商都非常熟悉 B. 从合同的角度为业主提供了相当的保护 C. 可以缩短设计和施工的工期 D. 为业主提供了自由市场竞争的所有好处 E. 业主无需过多地参与建设过程 [判断题]滁宁城际采用移动闭塞系统,列车安全追踪间隔距离可随列车的移动不断移动并变化。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]某监理通知单写明“梁钢筋保护层厚度实测为16mm,设计值为25mm,已超出允许偏差±5mm……”,这反映了监理通知单应当( )。
A.对存在问题部位的表述应具体 B.详细叙述整改时限要求 C.用数据说话 D.要求施工单位在发文本上签字 我来回答: 提交