Recently, I flew to Las Vegas to
attend a meeting. As we were about to arrive, the pilot announced with apology
that there would be a slight (16) before setting down. High
desert winds had (17) the airport to close all but one
runway. He said that we would be (18) the city for a few
minutes waiting to (19) . We were also told to remain in our
seats meanwhile with our seat belts fastened (20) there might
be a few bumps(颠簸). Well, that few minutes turned into about four-five minutes,
including a ride that would make a roller coaster(过山车) (21)
by comparison. The movement was so fierce that several passengers
felt (22) and had to use airsickness bags. As you might
guess, that’ s not a good thing to have happen in a(n) (23)
space because it only (24) to increase the discomfort of the
situation A. people easily fall victim to elephants’ attacks B. the man-elephant relationship is getting worse C. elephant tamers are in short supply D. dogs are as powerful as elephants [单选题]新建变电站满足联调验收条件后,设备投运前,运维单位应至少提前()工作日向调控中心设备监控管理处提交验收申请。
A. 2 B. 3 C. 6 D. 10 [单项选择]反映财务目标实现程度的指标是()。
A. 总资产收益率 B. 产品市场占有率 C. 股价的高低 D. 权益净利率 [简答题]测试设备接收和发送光信号大小的仪表是( ) 。
A. 芥子 B. 桔梗 C. 前胡 D. 白前 E. 竹茹 [判断题]判断题《国务院关于进一步加强企业安全生产工作的通知》要求,深入开展以管理达标、专业达标和企业达标为内容的安全生产标准化建设。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]肿瘤分期的主要依据不包括()。
A. 原发肿瘤大小 B. 浸润深度和范围 C. 局部和远处淋巴结转移 D. 远处转移 E. 肿瘤的异型性 [判断题]违反治安管理行为人的居住场所与其在工商行政管理部门注册登记的经营场所合一的,对其进行检查时,应当按照检查公民住所办理相关手续。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列有关“一国两制”构想表述正确的是( )
A.是邓小平运用辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的基本原则 B.是坚持实事求是,把和平共处的原则用之于解决一个国家的统一问题 C.既体现了坚持祖国统一、维护国家主权的原则性,又体现了照顾历史实际和现实可能的灵活性, D.是对马克思主义国家学说的创造性发展 [单选题]空调系统在紧急通风时回风口( )。
A.全开 B.半开 C.全闭 D.半关 [填空题]TW-2型驼峰自动控制系统,下层模块维护诊断操作,道岔单操命令输出位置为“1”代表该道岔()。
A. 药水浸泡 B. 高压灭菌 C. 深埋 D. 焚烧 我来回答: 提交