For more than thirty years after
astronauts first set foot on the Moon, scientists have been unable to unravel
the mystery of where the Earth’s only satellite came from. But now there is
direct evidence that the Moon was born after a giant collision between the young
Earth and another planet. Previous studies of rocks from the Earth and the Moon have been unable to distinguish between the two, suggesting that they formed from the same material. But this still left room for a number of theories explaining how—for example, that the Moon and Earth formed from the same material at the same time. It was even suggested that the early Earth spun so fast it formed a bulge that eventually broke off to form the Moon. Franck Poitrasson, and his colleagues at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology have compared Moon rocks with A. The Moon was born after a giant collision between the young Earth and another planet. B. The Moon rocks had a higher ratio of iron 57 to iron 54 isotopes than the Earth rocks. C. The Moon and the Earth have almost the same portion of iron. D. This catastrophic collision would have released much more energy than the impact believed to have wiped out the dinosaurs. [单项选择]轮状病毒性肠炎多见于下列哪种年龄段的小儿()
A. 6~24个月 B. 3个月内 C. 新生儿 D. 3~6个月 E. >24个月 [判断题]行政诉讼案件的起诉应以书面方式,即向人民法院递交起诉状,并按被告人数提出副本。
[多选题]根据《关于新形势下党内政治生活的若干准则》,全党同志必须坚定对中国特色社会主义的( )。
A.道路自信 B.理论自信 C.文化自信 D.制度自信 [单选题]纤维内镜的消毒灭菌宜用
A.酒精浸泡法 B.高压蒸汽灭菌法 C.戊二醛浸泡法 D.煮沸法 E.焚烧法 [单项选择]下列属于设计阶段质量控制任务的是( )。
A. 设计质量控制 B. 投资目标分析 C. 合同签订 D. 选择施工分包单位 [多选题]06ZG002298 下列选项中,应执商业电价的是()。
A.典当行用电 B.加油站 C.物资购销业 D.航空指示灯 [单选题]滚动轴承当工作温度低于密封用脂的滴点,速度较高时,应采用()密封。
A.毡圈式 B.皮碗式 C.间隙 D.迷宫式 [单项选择]高血压伴有痛风及潜在性糖尿病患者不宜选用()
A. 氢氯噻嗪 B. 硝普钠 C. 利血平 D. 可乐定 E. 胍乙啶 [单项选择]牛结核菌素点眼反应中,一般应于点眼后()各观察一次。
A. 3、6、9小时 B. 2、4、8小时 C. 5、10、15小时 D. 12、24、48小时 [单选题]蒸发操作中所谓温度差损失,实际是指溶液的沸点( )二次蒸汽的饱和温度。
A.小于 B.等于 C.大于 D.上述三者都不是 [单选题]塔里木盆地是我国( )的沉积盆地。盆地基底为震旦系浅-深变质岩系。
A.最大 B.第二大 C.第三大 D.最小 [单选题]搬离可燃物的灭火方法是()。
A.A、窒息法 B.B、冷却法 C.C、隔离法 D.D、抑制法 [单选题]接触弧长度随轧制条件的不同而不同,一般有( )情况A.2种 B.3种 C.4种 D.5种
A.A B.B C.C D.D [判断题]制动空走距离则与制动空走时间有关和列车制动初速无关。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]供电所所长一般按照股级配置,对于规模较大,重要性比较高的供电所,无需按照副科级配置的报公司总部审批。
A.补收全、半差,加收已乘区间应补票价50%的票款 B.不予追究 C.补收全价与儿童票价的差额 D.另补一张儿童票 [多项选择]下列关于供电合同中,双方当事人义务的表述中,正确的包括( )。
A. 用电人有交付电费的义务 B. 用电人有按照法律规定和合同约定安全用电的义务 C. 因自然原因断电时,用电人有自己抢修的义务 D. 中断供电时,供电人有事先通知用电人的义务 E. 供电人有按照国家规定的标准和合同的约定安全供电的义务 我来回答: 提交