The market is a concept. If you are
growing tomatoes in your backyard for sale you are producing for the market. You
might sell some to your neighbor and some to the manager of the local
supermarket. But in either case, you are producing for the market. Your efforts
are being directed by the market. If people stop buying tomatoes, you will stop
producing them. If you take care of a sick person to earn money, you are producing for the market. (36) {{U}}If your father is a steelworker or a truck driver or a doctor or a grocer, he is producing goods or service for the market.{{/U}} When you spend your income, you are buying things from the market. You may spend money in stores, supermarkets, gas stations and restaurants. Still you are buying from the market. When the local grocer hires you to drive the delivery truck, A. borrow a book from the library B. look after your children C. drive to the seaside for a holiday D. dine at a restaurant [单项选择]总结的前言部分,一般是()
A. 概括主要成绩 B. 介绍基本做法 C. 概述基本情况 D. 归纳主要经验 [多选题]变电站全停后现场人员应如何处理( )?
A.变电站全停,运行值班人员应首先设法恢复受影响的站用电,有条件的应启动备用柴油发电机 B.按规程规定立即将多电源间可能联系的断路器拉开,若双母线母联断路器没有断开应首先拉开母联断路器,防止突然来电造成非同期合闸 C.尽快查清是本站故障还是因外部故障导致本厂停电 D.检查是否有出线线路侧有电压,如果发现带电线路,则立即合入该线路断路器给失电母线送电 [判断题]《中国铁路北京局集团有限公司京沪高铁季度计次票实施细则》规定:开车前48小时内预约席位取消次数累计超过5次的,产品有效期内可预约的待使用席位数量调整为2个。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]中、低压供电回路的元件如开关、电流互感器、电缆及架空线路等载流能力应匹配,不应因单一元件的载流能力而限制线路可供负荷能力及转移负荷能力。
A.对 B.错 [判断题]某电厂化学化验站工作人员在进行溶氨工作中,在搬运氨水桶时发生氨水桶破裂,漏泄到操作间地面上,操作人员立即用大量清水进行清洗地面的残夜,判断操作人员做法是否正确。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]生物利用度是指药物
A. 口服或肌注的剂量 B. 吸收入血循环的速度 C. 吸收入血循环的总量 D. 从体内消除的数量和速度 E. 吸收入血循环的相对量和速度 [单选题] 绕线式异步电动机转子回路串入适当大小的起动电阻,( )。
A.既可以减小起动电流,又可以减小起动力矩; B.既可以减小起动电流,又可以增大起动力矩; C.既可以增大起动电流,又可以减小起动力矩; D.既可以增大起动电流,又可以增大起动力矩。 [单项选择]患者,女,36岁,已婚,面色萎黄,神疲乏力,气短懒言,食少便溏,月经淋漓不断,经血色淡,舌淡无苔,脉沉细无力。其病机是
A. 脾不统血 B. 脾’肾阳虚 C. 气血两虚 D. 脾肺气虚 E. 肝血不足 我来回答: 提交