In recent years a new farming
revolution has begun, one that involves the{{U}} (21) {{/U}}of life at a
fundamental level — the gene. The study of genetics has{{U}} (22)
{{/U}}a new industry called biotechnology. As the name suggests, it{{U}}
(23) {{/U}}biology and modem technology through such techniques as
genetic engineering. Some of the new biotech companies specialize{{U}} (24)
{{/U}}agriculture and are working feverishly to duplicate seeds that give a
high yield, that{{U}} (25) {{/U}}diseases, drought and frost, and that
reduce the need for{{U}} (26) {{/U}}chemicals.{{U}} (27)
{{/U}}such goals could be achieved, it would be most beneficial. But some have
raised concerns about genetically engineered crops. In nature, genetic diversity is created within certain space. A rose{{U}} (28) {{/U}}be crossed with a different ki A. other B. the other C. another D. the another [单选题]黄梅戏是安徽的主要戏曲剧种,但最初是产生在湖北的【 】。
A.黄岗 B.黄梅 C.黄陂 [单项选择]蔬菜的收获是根据运销、贮藏和加工所要求的成熟度而定的,这种成熟称为()。
A. 生理成熟 B. 技术成熟 C. 自然成熟 D. 食用成熟 [单选题]线路允许速度Vmax>120km/h,钢轨接头顶面或内错牙大于(???)时,应及时处理。
A.0.5㎜ B.1.5㎜ C.1mm D.2㎜ [单项选择]当三相交流电路的负载采用Y接线时,线电压等于相电压的()。
A. √2倍 B. √3倍 C. 0.707倍 [判断题]肺顺应性是指单位压力作用下引起的肺容量改变。( )
[单选题]对于暂予监外执行的罪犯,在监外执行的期间脱逃的,脱逃的期间( )。
A.可以计入执行刑期 B.不应当计入执行刑期 C.可以不计入执行刑期 D.应计入执行刑期 [单项选择]下列各项中,应在"管理费用"科目中核算的是()。
A. 企业应交的增值税 B. 企业应交的房产税 C. 企业应交的营业税 D. 企业应交的消费税 [判断题]人体触电时,电流流经人体的途径不同会引起不同的伤害,通过中枢神经会引起人立即昏迷。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
Schools used to be considered places to prepare young people for life. After their education was finished, they were supposed to get ready to go out into the real world. But many adults these days are coming back to "schools of continuing education" and "centers of life-long learning". They feel that one’s education is never really ended, because one is never too old to learn. [判断题]焊接电流的大小,主要根据焊条直径及焊接层次等因素来决定
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列对机车的蛇行运动分类情况包括( )。
A.车体蛇行 B.牵引装置蛇行 C.转向架蛇行 D.轮对蛇行 E.支承装置蛇行运动 [单项选择]以下不符合XML文档语法规范的是()。
A. 文档的第一行必须是XML文档声明 B. 文档必须包含根元素 C. 每个开始标记必须和结束标记配对使用 D. 标记之间可以交叉嵌套 [单选题]1915 年 9 月,陈独秀在上海创办了( ) ,从此拉开了近代中国第一次思想解放运动——新文化运动的序幕。( )
A.《新青年》 B.《青年杂志》 C.《青春》 D.《新潮》 我来回答: 提交