If you were to begin a new job
tomorrow, you would bring with you some basic strengths and weaknesses. Success
or {{U}} (67) {{/U}} in your work would depend, to a great {{U}} (68)
{{/U}}, on your ability to use your strengths and weaknesses to the best
advantage. {{U}} (69) {{/U}} the utmost importance is your attitude. A person who begins a job {{U}} (70) {{/U}} that he isn’t going to like it or is sure that he is going to fail is {{U}} (71) {{/U}} a weakness which can on A. Seeking B. Owning C. Lacking D. Proving [多选题]若工作间断后所有( )保持不变,工作票可由工作负责人执存。
A. A.安全措施 B.B.工作时间 C.C.接线方式 D.D.工作班成员 [多项选择]下列关于行业财务风险指标的说法,正确的有( )。
A. 行业盈亏系数越低,说明行业风险越大 B. 行业产品产销率越高,说明行业产品供不应求 C. 行业销售利润率是衡量行业盈利能力最重要的指标 D. 行业资本积累率越低,说明行业发展潜力越好 E. 行业劳动生产率在一定程度上反映出行业间的相对技术水平 [单项选择]在案发现场勘验中,发现一封书信,根据书信中的字体鉴定结论,确定了犯罪嫌疑人。在本案中书信是( ).
A. 物证 B. 书证 C. 鉴定结论 D. 勘验笔录 [单选题]运送易燃易爆等危险品(如汽油、机油、润滑油、清洁剂、除冰液等)进入控制区的单位,必须与运输机场公司签订运送安全管理协议,保证所运物品包装符合( )。
A.安全需要 B.运输规范 C.安全规范 D.包装规范 [单选题]空间是指物质运动的广延性,特点是()。
A.三维性 B.多元性 C.独立性 D.主观性 [简答题] Buy Nothing Day
The day after Thanksgiving, all the world (at least in the US) goes shopping. In America this is the biggest shopping day in the entire year, known as Black Friday, which sounds dire, but evidently derives from the fact that storekeepers lose money all year and this is the first day in which they finally get into the black which means to make money. Some stores also call it Green Friday. It’’s the biggest day of the year for retailers, when shopkeeper’’s can measure what their take is going to be this year, and the holiday spirit flows as fast as the cash registers can ring it up.
Gifts, decorations, candy and magazines disappear quickly, and woe to the retailer who doesn’’t have as much in stock as the consumers want. "Buy it now" is the phrase of the day-and people have been doing just that for years, egged on by the industry that begins advertising and decorating earlier and more elaborately each year. This is about waste,
[单选题]ZYJ7-120/4200电液转辙机溢流时拉力约为( )。
A.2.5kN B. 2.7kN C. 3kN D. 5.5kN [单选题]下列哪一项符合《行政强制法》 所规定的行政强制评价制度
A.行政强制的设定机关可以定期对其设定的行政强制进行评价 B.行政强制的设定机关应向其实施机关说明设定该行政强制的必要性 C.行政强制的实施机关可以对不适当的行政强制及时予以修改或者废止 D.行政强制的实施机关可以对已设定的行政强制进行评价 [单选题]酸洗成品卷的内径一般是( )mm。
A.580 B.610 C.762 D.850 [单项选择]一位40岁男性患者,外伤后头痛、头昏、恶心、呕吐,入院后进行CT检查发现脑内血肿,查体见视乳突水肿患者的颅内压最少高于()。
A. >0.7kPa B. >1.0kPa C. >2.0kPa D. >2.7kPa E. >5.3kPa [单选题]配电《安规》要求,装设、拆除接地线均应使用()并戴绝缘手套,人体不得碰触接地线或未接地的导线。
A.绝缘绳 B.专用的绝缘绳 C.绝缘棒 D.软铜线 E.略 F.略 我来回答: 提交