(79) {{U}}No poem should ever be discussed or
"analyzed", until it has been read aloud by someone, teacher or student{{/U}}.
Better still, perhaps, is the practice of reading it twice, once at the
beginning of the discussion and once at the end, so the sound of the poem is the
last thing one hears of it. All discussions of poetry are, in fact, preparations for reading it aloud, and the reading of the poem is, finally, the most telling "interpretation" of it, suggesting tone, rhythm, and meaning all at once. Hearing a poet read the work in his or her own voice, on records or on film, is obviously a special reward. But even those aids to teaching can not replace the student and teacher reading it or, best of all, reciting it. I have come to think, in fact, that time spent reading a poem aloud is much more important than " A. is the best way to understand it B. easily arouses some discussion among the students C. helps the teacher to analyze it D. cannot take the place of the poet reading it [单项选择]早期妊娠最可靠的诊断依据是
A. 基础体温于停经后高温相持续不降 B. 妊娠试验阳性 C. 海格征阳性 D. B超能见到有节律的胎心搏动 E. 黄体酮试验 [单选题]ZD6转辙机速动爪与速动片的间隙,在锁闭时为( )。[321010204]
A.0.3mm~1.7mm B.0.5mm~1.7mm C.0.3mm~2mm D.1mm~3mm [单选题]OPGW、ADSS 等光缆在进站门型架处应悬挂标识牌。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [单选题]飞行手册中规定着陆不能踩着刹车接地,主要是因为:
A.可能使刹车装置失效 B.可能导致滑跑时拖胎 C.使机轮起转力矩增大而损坏 [单项选择]下列各项,不属于肝肾阴虚证临床表现的是()
A. 胁部胀痛 B. 耳鸣健忘 C. 腰膝酸软 D. 口燥咽干 E. 男子遗精 [单选题] 在特定波长紫外光下观察,2015 年版第五套人民币 100 元纸币票面具有()无色荧光纤维。
A.绿色和蓝色; B.红色和蓝色; C.黄色和蓝色; D.黄色和红色。 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Cigars Instead?
Smoking one or two cigars a day doubles the risk of cancers of the lip,tongue,mouth,and throat,according to a government study. Daily cigars also increase the risk of lung cancer and cancer of the esophagus,and increase the risk of cancer of the larynx(voice box)sixfold,say researchers at the National Cancer Institu- te in Bethesda,Maryland. In addition,the report revealed that smoking three or four cigars a day increased the risk of oral cancer to 8.5 times the risk for nonsmokers and the risk of esophageal cancer by four times the risk of nonsmokers. The health effects of smoking cigars is one of eight sections of the article"Cigars:Health Effects and Trends".The researchers report that,compared with a cigarette,a large cigar emits up to 90 times as much carcinogenic tobacco-specific nitrosamines. "This article provides clear and invaluable information about the disturbing increase in cigar use and the significant public health consequences for the country,"said Dr. Richard Klausner, director of the National Cancer Institute,in a statement. "The data are clear-the harmful substances and carcinogens in cigar smoke,like cigarettes,are associated with the increased risks of several kinds of cancers as well as heart and lung diseases,"he added."In other words,cigars are not safe alternatives to cigarettes and may be addictive." "To those individuals who may be thinking about smoking cigars,our advice is-don't. To those currently smoking cigars,quitting is the only way to eliminate completely the cancer,heart and lung disease risks,"warned Klausner. According to a National Cancer Institute press release,there haven't been any studies on the health effects on nonsmokers at cigar social events,but“... a significant body of evidence clearly demonstrates an increased lung cancer risk from secondhand smoke." In the passage how many cancers are mentioned in relation to smoking cigars daily? A.Six. B.Seven. C.Eight. D.Nine. [多项选择]下列关于政府采购信息公告管理的职责,必须由省级以上财政部门履行的是()。
A. 确定应当公告的政府采购信息的范围和内容 B. 指定并监督检查公告政府采购信息的媒体 C. 定期公布政府采购信息发布统计数据 D. 对供应商的不良行为进行公告 [单选题]建立库存器材登记册,由库房管理员负责,每( )对库存器材装备进行一次清查。中
A.一个月 B.三个月 C.半年 D.一年 [单选题]被电击伤并经过心肺复苏抢救成功的电击伤员,都应让其充分休息,并在医务人员指导下进行不少于()H的心脏监护。
A.12 B.24 C.36 D.48 E.略 F.略 [判断题]专家意见法与特尔菲法相比较,专家意见法更好一些。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]《中国铁路北京局集团有限公司铁路客运价格管理办法》规定:客运价格应通过营业场所电子信息屏或固定信息栏等途径公布,具体内容为( )、( )、( )收费项目和收费标准等。
A.旅客票价 B.包裹、行李的运价 C.旅客运输杂费 D.事故赔偿金 [单项选择]中国历史上第一本系统的教育心理学著作是()
A. 《论语》 B. 《大学》 C. 《学记》 D. 《孟子》 [多选题]46
级.大.路.般.( ).部.组.。 A. 输.级 B. 中.级 C. 放.级 D. 输.级 我来回答: 提交