Only three strategies are available for controlling cancer: prevention, screening and treatment. Lung cancer causes more deaths than any other types of cancer. A major cause of the disease is not (21) known; there is no good evidence that screening is much helpful, and treatment (22) in about 90 percent of all cases. At present, therefore, the main strategy must be (23) . This may not always be true, of course, as for some other types of cancer, research (24) the past few decades has produced (or suggested) some importance in prevention, screening or treatment.
(25) , however, we consider not what research may one day offer but what today’s knowledge could already deliver that is not being delivered, then the most practicable and cost-effective opportunities for (26) . premature death from cancer, especially lung cancer, probably involve neither screening nor improved (27) , but prevention.
This conc
A. for example
B. such as
C. as well as
D. but
[听力原文] 11-15
One year ago today, young Jim’s parents had a very serious talk with him. (11)They complained that he had spent a lot of time before the TV rather than on his lessons.(12)They knew that he always wanted to have a computer of his own, so (14)they promised him a reward if he gave up TV for one year. (15)After breakfast this morning, (13)his father handed him $500. Feeling that it was not enough, his mother added two hundred more, "Take it son, you have earned it." Yes, Jim has earned it, the hard way—he has not been near the TV for one whole year and his grades have gone from satisfactory to very good. "Now you can turn the TV on if you wish." "Oh, no. Mum, I can’t wait. I have something important to do right now." Then he rushed out of the house.
With Airbus’ giant A380 airliner about
to take to the skies, you might think planes could not get much bigger-and you
would be right. For a given design, it turns (1) , there
comes a point where the wings become too heavy to generate (2)
lift to carry their own weight. (3) a new way of
designing and making materials could (4) that problem. Two
engineers (5) University College London have devised all
innovative way to customise and control the (6) of a material
throughout its three-dimensional structure. In the (7) of a wing, this would make possible a material that is dense, strong and load-bearing at one end, close to the fuselage, (8) the extremities could be made less dense, lighter and more (9) . It is like making bespoke materials, (10) you can customise the physical p A. while B. which C. what D. where [多项选择]热轧带钢轧机布置形式有()。
A. 可逆 B. 半连续 C. 3/4连续 D. 连续 [单选题]水下气割又称为( )。
A.氧-弧水下热切割 B.氧-可燃气热切割 C.金属-电弧水下热切割 [多选题]网络攻击应用武器的基本类型包括___。
A.“细菌” B.“蠕虫” C.“炸弹” D.“后门” [单选题]铁路建设单位或者铁路运输企业应当根据工程竣工资料进行勘界,绘制铁路线路安全保护区平面图,并根据平面图( )。
A.双方验收 B.通告公布 C.植树造林 D.设立标桩 [单选题]关于各类容器装载描述正确的是:( )
A.开口处朝下或倾斜放置 B.罐类容器可装载清洗篮筐中清洗 C.手术器械盒装载应注意调整清洗层架的高度 D.以上都对 [单选题]220kV枢纽变电站及220kV以上电压等级的变电站,站区场地设计标高应高于频率为()的洪水水位或历史最高内涝水位。
A.0.06 B.0.07 C.0.01 D.0.08 [单选题]3.有关β受体分布及其对应效应,表述正确的是
A.激动β1受体,心肌收缩力减弱 B.激动β1受体,脂肪分解减少 C.激动β2受体,去甲肾上腺素分泌减少 D.激动β2受体,支气管平滑肌收缩 E.激动β1受体,肾素分泌增多 [单项选择]风疹的主要病位为:()
A. 肺胃 B. 肺卫 C. 气营 D. 肺脾 E. 脾胃 [简答题]出库客车对空气制动机质量有哪些要求?
A.1050~1100mm B.1150~1250mm C.1050~1200mm D.1150~1200mm [单选题]踝关节扭伤,为防止皮下出血和组织肿胀,在早期应选用( )。
A.A、局部按摩 B.B、湿冷敷 C.C、坐下休息不动 [单选题]( )是互利共赢之路,将带动各国经济更加紧密结合起来,推动各国基础设施建设和体制机制创新,创造新的经济和就业增长点,增强各国经济内生动力和抗风险能力。
A.丝绸之路经济带 B.21 世纪海上丝绸之路 C.“一带一路” D.陆上丝绸之路 [名词解释]成本-效益分析
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