Personnel changes at the International
Monetary Fund and proposals for changing the fund have been reported lately.
After a lengthy public debate, the leading countries settled on another German,
Horst Kohler, to replace Michel Camdessus as the IMF’s managing director.
Unfor-tunately, the circus-like process began to resemble an affirmative-action
procedure when it be- came clear that a particular nationality—German—was a
prerequisite for the job. Calls for changes at the IMF came in the report from Congress’ International Financial Institution Advisory Commission, led by Allan H. Meltzer. (I was a witness before the commission on issues related to inequality.) T A. He advocates the abolition of the IMF. B. He calls for the elimination 0Lone of or more of these institutions. C. He is the IMF’s managing director. D. He is the leader of the International Financial Institution Advisory Commission. [多项选择]住房按揭楼盘经过审批后,经营行须将按揭楼盘准入涉及的主要信贷资料进行扫描,并上传至信贷管理系统的档案管理子系统形成电子档案,以供单笔贷款()等环节的经办人员调阅使用。
A. 调查 B. 审查 C. 审核 D. 审批 [判断题] 红外热像仪只能测量玻璃表面的温度,而不能透过玻璃测量。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]海因里希最初提出的事故因果连锁过程的5工人因素是遗传与社会因素,人的破点、人的不安全行为和物的不安全状态、( )、伤害。
A.危害 B.伤亡 C.经济损失 D.事故 [单项选择]“胀裂样”疼痛见于下列哪种疾病:()
A. 蝼蛄疔 B. 眉心疔 C. 蛇眼疔 D. 烂疔 E. 红丝疔 [判断题]车体外墙、顶板需全部分解,并须更换铁立柱达1/3的客车可申请报废。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]设备及管道安装质量的检验,是通过致密性试验来实现的,其目的主要是()。
A. 检查设备或管道的强度和密封性能 B. 使设备保持正常运行或工作状态 C. 提高管道的耐腐蚀性能 D. 保证人身和设备的安全 [判断题]在群众众多的街头遇到正在实施暴力砍杀犯罪行为,除非使用武器否则不能制止的情况外,其他情况下慎用武器,避免误伤群众。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 无功功率可以理解为无用的功率。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]连续重整相对于半再生重整,主要优点是()。
A.投资省 B.反应苛刻度高 C.芳烃产率高 D.催化剂可连续再生 [单项选择]The conception of poverty and what to (26) about it have changed over the decades. Under Social Darwinism the lazy and the (27) were supposed to be at the bottom of the economic ladder as a result of the "law of (28) of the fittest". Society was (29) as a network of self-sufficient families which provided for their own. (30) persons outside a household (orphans, the (31) elderly, and the crippled) were provided outdoor relief grudgingly and as a temporary expedient. Although it was (32) that "the poor will always be with us", the individual was expected to improve himself (33) acts of his own will. Charity was thought to be the (34) of idleness. By keeping wages low, labourers would be (35) to work harder.
At about the turn of the century, the beginning of concern about natural (36) brought uneasiness about the possible spread of beggary. There was a potential A. childless B. childly C. childlike D. childish [判断题]在进行推刀闸操作时,应做到负载停止运行
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]患者男性,48岁,上腹部疼痛不适伴进行性加重的黄疸,诊断为胰腺癌。患者术前需补充的维生素是
A.维生素A B.维生素B C.维生素C D.维生素D E.维生素K [单项选择]实施员工绩效考核方案程序,有利于员工和上级之间建立融洽的关系,而有利于员工接受最终的绩效评价结果是( )。
A. 做好沟通工作 B. 与员工进行沟通 C. 同员工早期沟通 D. 加强企业文化教育 [单项选择]高效脱硫剂饱和后的处理方法有()。
A. 再生 B. 直接丢弃 C. 烧焦 D. 水洗 [单项选择]某铁路支线发生货运列车脱轨8辆,中断行车时24h30min,属于铁路交通()事故。
A. 特别重大 B. 重大 C. 较大 D. 一般 [多项选择]掘进工作面必须实现“三专两闭锁”。其中“三专”是指局部通风机()供电。
A. 专用变压器 B. 专用开关 C. 专用线路 D. 专用风机 [单选题]某女青年,因与家人发生口角,倒地翻滚,号啕哭叫,之后肢体抽动,随即双下肢瘫痪,无法站立行走,下列护理评估中关于情感方面的评估是
A.家庭关系如何 B.有无幻听、幻视 C.婚姻状况如何 D.有无自知力 E.有无焦虑不安、情绪不稳定 [多项选择]库面板用于存放文档中用到的元件,它有()和()两种视图状态。
A. 窄库视图 B. 窄视图 C. 宽库视图 D. 宽视图 我来回答: 提交