"She was married to an officer in India
long ago and she had a life of physical adventure as exciting as her poetry. Her
husband could cross rivers, using crocodiles (鳄鱼) as stepping stones. He died
when she was only thirty-nine. Unwilling to exist without him, she took her
life, leaving a son in England." I stared at the paper, {{U}} (36) {{/U}}reading, couldn’t help thinking. Crocodiles are lazy animals as a rule, but they can{{U}} (37) {{/U}}like lightning when they want to. And they don’t mind hurrying{{U}} (38) {{/U}}they’re hungry. There used to be lots in Indian rivers, living on fish mostly, but what’s a little fish{{U}} (39) {{/U}}a fifteen-toot crocodile They are people, fisherman or anyone else delicious enough to get too near; women doing the{{U}} (40) {{/U}} or A. shopping B. washing C. cooking D. cleaning [单选题]第 105 题, 本小题 1 分
某导体带有0.025C的电量,A地电压为250V,该导体的A地电容为()μF。 A. 25 B. 100 C. 250 D. 0.025 [判断题]通过电阻上的电流增大到原来的2倍时,它所消耗的电功率也增大到原来的2倍。
[单选题] 版美元中,不同面额均在正面印制了不同的自由象征图案,其中 50 美元彩钞自由象征图案是( )。(5%)
A.美国鹰 B.五角星 C.火炬 [多选题]下列选项中属于CBTC模式下列车的安全速度限制条件的有( )
A.ATP曲线规定的区段永久限速 B.ATP曲线规定的区段临时限速 C.适用于特定列车的永久限速 D.在ATP移动授权下限制安全速度 E.以上选项均不正确 [多项选择]关于肺痈初期的症状,下列较常见的有( )
A. 恶寒发热 B. 咳痰色白而黏 C. 口干鼻燥 D. 脉浮数而滑 E. 汗出烦躁 [单项选择]结核性胸膜炎,首次抽取胸液一般不超过()
A. 1000ml B. 2000ml C. 700ml D. 800ml E. 500ml [单选题] 关于 FusionCompute DRS 特性,以下描述不正确的是?
A.根据调度策略自动实现集群内主机负载相对均衡。 B.调度算法合理,兼顾主机负载变化趋势,避免了虚拟机在主机上来回震荡迁移。 C.不支持管理员即时手动调度。 D.可按每天.每周.每月选择时间段精确设置调度策略。 [单选题]各单位应提高招标文件编制水平,要准确描述招标范围,明确供应商资质、技术标准、( )、评分细则和合同主要条款等,便于投标人充分了解招标项 目详情,提高招标采购成效。
A.商务标准 B.质量标准 C.绩效标准 D.综合标准 我来回答: 提交